Palm Beach accepting applications for openings on four boards and commissions

The town of Palm Beach is seeking to fill seats on four boards and commissions beginning in March.

Those wishing to apply for open seats on the Landmarks Preservation Commission, Architectural Commission, Retirement Board of Trustees and Code Enforcement Board have until 5 p.m. March 1 to submit their applications.

The Town Council will hear presentations from eligible applicants and make appointments at its March 12 regular meeting.

The landmarks board, chaired by Sue Patterson, has openings for two regular positions.

One regular member seat must be filled by a nonresident expert architect. That seat, which is up for reappointment annually, is held by Jacqueline Albarran.

The other appointee will fill the seat currently occupied by Brittain Damgard, who is eligible for reappointment to a second and final term. Damgard has served on the board since March 2020.

The landmarks board reviews exterior changes to the more than 350 landmarked buildings in town, and recommends additional buildings for landmark protection to the council each year.

The architectural board, chaired by Jeffery Smith, has openings for three regular positions.

Thomas Kirchhoff
Thomas Kirchhoff

One appointee will fill the seat occupied by retired real estate investor John David Corey, who is finishing his second term and is not eligible for reappointment.

Corey is running for the Group 3 Town Council seat currently held by Maggie Zeidman, who announced in October that she would not seek reelection. The town election is scheduled for March 19.

Two other appointees to the architectural board will fill the seats of Smith and Thomas Kirchhoff, who are eligible for reappointment. Both are architects.

The architectural board oversees renovations to all buildings in town that are not landmarked, as well as demolitions and new development.

The Retirement Board of Trustees, chaired by Daniel Stanton, has openings for two regular positions.

Appointees will fill seats occupied by Stanton and Jason Debrincat, who serves as the town's assistant director of public works. Stanton is eligible for reappointment as a trustee, while the town is seeking an employee representative internally.

Bram Majtlis
Bram Majtlis

The retirement board acts in a fiduciary capacity for the town’s retirement funds and in an advisory capacity to the council on matters relating to the administration of the town’s various retirement plans. There are no term limits for retirement board trustees.

The Code Enforcement Board, chaired by Bram Majtlis, has openings for three regular positions.

Two appointees will fill the seats of Chris Larmoyeux and Scotch Peloso, who are eligible for reappointment to second and final terms. The other appointee will fill the seat of Linda Wartow, who is term-limited and not eligible for reappointment.

The Code Enforcement Board hears cases involving violations of the Town Code and ordinances, and imposes administrative fines and other noncriminal penalties where pending or repeated violations exist.

Applications for all four boards can be downloaded from the town's website at

For information, contact the Town Clerk's Office at or 561-838-5416.

All terms on town boards are for three years, with the exception of Albarran’s spot on the landmarks board.

Jodie Wagner is a journalist at the Palm Beach Daily News, part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach her at jwagner@pbdailynews.comHelp support our journalism. Subscribe today.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Daily News: Palm Beach looking to fill openings on four boards and commissions