Palm Beach Post Editorial Board endorsement: Deb Adeimy for US House District 22 GOP primary

There are five candidates in the District 22 Republican primary for Congress, hoping to win their party's nomination on Aug. 23 to face off against U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel. The Palm Beach Post recommends Republican voters choose Deborah Adeimy, a solid Republican whose roots in the West Palm Beach community make her a good fit as a potential lawmaker.

The district runs from West Palm Beach south to Delray Beach and west to Wellington. This is a closed primary, which means only registered Republicans in the district can participate.

Adeimy is a 52 year-old financial adviser living in West Palm Beach. She is making her first bid for public office and prides herself on being a fourth-generation Floridian and the only candidate in the race born and raised in West Palm.

Elections 2022: Qualified candidates on the ballot for federal and state government posts

Deb Adeimy.
Deb Adeimy.

Adeimy would be a stalwart in carrying the GOP banner. Her priorities include advocating for small businesses and reducing regulations. She backs Second Amendment rights and supports improving veterans' preference in jobs and medical programs, and using Social Security numbers for voter IDs. She opposes illegal immigration and advocates for increased transparency and parental rights in schools.

What sets her apart from her opponents is an acknowledgement that global warming and sea level rise are realities and she's supportive of exploring alternative energy sources to address these concerns.

There are four other Republicans, including Dan Franzese, a 59-year-old managing partner for a financial services firm. The Palm Beach resident is running on a pro-business theme to win the nomination. Peter Steven Arianas, Rod Dorilas and Carrie Lawlor chose not to meet with the newspaper's editorial board.

Editor's Note: Read more about Deb Adeimy and her views by clicking here.

No endorsements for these GOP primaries

What happens when statehouse candidates ignore an opportunity to spell out their priorities to the constituents they say they want to represent in Tallahassee? How should roughly a half-million Palm Beach County residents feel about politicians who snub a key part of the process of informing potential constituents?

Six Republican candidates in the primary races, involving Florida House Districts 87 and 91 and Florida Senate 26, did not meet with The Palm Beach Post to share their views and discuss their candidacies and thus we can't endorse any of them.

Blame some of it on the novelty of running a campaign, mismanaging technology needed to participate in an online interview, or a political ideology that sees little value in meeting with Post editorial board. Whatever the reason or rationale, it's a mutual loss to both the candidate and the public.

The Palm Beach Post just concluded a series of meetings with candidates seeking public office in the upcoming Aug. 23 primary. The idea behind the undertaking is to give the voting public a chance to better understand the views of the men and women seeking public office — be it a county or circuit court judgeship, school board membership, county commission seat, or membership in the Florida Legislature or U.S. Congress.

We would like to give our readers some idea how Steve Byers, William Wheelen, Jane Justice, Christina DuCasse and Peggy Gossett-Seidman would fare if elected to office but we can't. The same, unfortunately, can be said about state Rep. Michael Caruso, an incumbent seeking re-election. Throw in Republican no-shows Peter Steven Arianas, Rod Dorilas and Carrie Lawlor in U.S. House 22  primary and Darlene Swaffer and Myles Perrone in the U.S. House 23 primary and you have a troubling trend.         

In fairness, several Democrats missed the process, too. In the U.S. House 23 primary, three Democratic candidates — Hava Holzhauer. Ben Sorenson and W. Michael Trout — did not meet with newspaper's editorial board. Democratic state Rep. Anika Omphroy, a candidate in the Democratic Party primary for U.S. House 20, submitted her questionnaire but failed to show up for her scheduled online meeting with the Post..

The decisions made at the ballot box next month — or lack thereof — will have consequences. Voters shouldn't tolerate candidates who fail to reach out to as broad a range as possible of the electorate they want to serve.

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This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Elections 2022: Post endorses Deb Adeimy GOP nominee for U.S. House 22