Should Palm Springs mayorship go back to a four-year term?

Did Palm Springs residents make the right decision when we changed the structure of our city government in 2019? It was a good idea to regionally structure city council seats. However, how much effect can a mayor have in one year?

This question has nothing to do with the individuals holding the office. They’ve performed their jobs admirably in their tenure. But as good as they are, is one year enough time for them to demonstrate their leadership and drive the city in a positive direction?

Unfortunately, this new government structure encourages short-term thinking, such as “what can I do now to make a difference?” This is a good question and one they should answer. However, there’s no need to ask, “What can I do for the long term?” Why? Because there isn’t a long term. Focus is next month or next quarter, never next year.

Again, this isn’t about the people who hold the office. It’s about building an effective structure for city government, and the 2019 referendum made strides to improve the roles of city council. But the mayor’s role was short-changed. Maybe we should rethink that decision and go back to a four-year term.

Frank Bucci, Palm Springs

Bring Frank Bogert's statue back for Palm Springs' 85th birthday

In earlier times, during celebrations or festivals, there was a release of one or more prisoners, a tradition echoed in our current season. In that spirit, I think Palm Springs’ 85th birthday is an opportunity for the Palm Springs City Council to bring the statue of the late Frank Bogert out of its crate in the city corporation yard and allow it to be sited in a prominent place in town.

Mayor Bogert was not a Civil War general whose memory needs to be erased. He was a major chapter in the history of the city; indeed, he wrote about much of that history himself. While the decades-old clearing of Section 14 occurred during one of his terms as mayor, it is said that he tried to help at least some of the displaced find alternate places to live. This is the subject of much debate, but the Section 14 incident shouldn’t be allowed to define him, as many will agree that there was much more to him than that. It’s probably appropriate not to have anyone’s statue in front of City Hall, but Frank Bogert’s needs a good home, and I hope one can be found soon.

Mike Meenan, Burlingame, California

My generation feels very proud of our police department

I am appalled at The Associated Press’ Stefanie Dazio’s April 6 article headline, “Report: Los Angeles police killed 14 people in 2022.” For those who only read headlines, it is very disturbing to slant news that way. I am 92 years old and have stopped writing for The Desert Sun because the news is so biased. Why not mention how many people were killed by people in big cities every weekend? Or how many people the police officers save? We have lost many police officers recently – why not print all their names? My generation feels very proud of our police department. There are good and bad in every community. Go back to loving thy neighbor and taking care of your loved ones.

Roe Polito, Palm Springs

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Should Palm Springs mayorship go back to a four-year term?