What is a 'parent nation' and how can it help kids thrive? Find out at CivicCon

There are tens of millions of parents in America.

How much good could they do if they all worked together for the sake of all of their children?

That is the question raised by pediatric surgeon, social scientist and best-selling author Dr. Dana Suskind.

In a CivicCon presentation Sunday, June 12, Suskind will be in Pensacola discussing how parents and communities can use their collective power to help children reach their potential.

Suskind is the founder and co-director of the TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health, director of the Pediatric Cochlear Implant Program and professor of surgery and pediatrics at the University of Chicago.

Dana Suskind, University of Chicago professor of surgery and pediatrics, will be in Pensacola on Sunday, June 12, discussing takeaways from her new book, "Parent Nation: Unlocking Every Child's Potential, Fulfilling Society's Promise."
Dana Suskind, University of Chicago professor of surgery and pediatrics, will be in Pensacola on Sunday, June 12, discussing takeaways from her new book, "Parent Nation: Unlocking Every Child's Potential, Fulfilling Society's Promise."

More on Dr. Dana Suskind: Raising kids is hard. But what if America's 60+ million parents united to make it easier?

A deeper dive into Suskind's work: Univ. of Chicago pilots local early learning project

In her 2015 book "Thirty Million Words: Building A Child's Brain," Suskind brought awareness to the importance of spoken language in early childhood development and shared easy-to-follow strategies for parents to help build their children's brains through communication and interaction.

Still, Suskind soon realized that despite many parents' best efforts, the real world often got in the way of them helping their children be their best. Whether it's mundane issues like long and irregular work hours, or systemic issues like poverty, discrimination and overincarceration, many parents experience barriers that limit the time and energy parents can devote to early childhood learning.

According to Suskind, "What we need is to recognize that we can lighten the parenting load by sharing it. Parents cannot and should not be expected to go it alone when it comes to raising children, and until we offer parents the support they need to meet their children’s developmental needs, our nation will continue to pay an enormous social and economic cost."

To help shed light on this concept, Suskind partnered with award-winning science writer Lydia Denworth to author "Parent Nation: Unlocking Every Child's Potential, Fulfilling Society's Promise."

The book combines the latest science on the developing brain with stories of families from all walks of life to demonstrate that expecting families to shoulder the enormous responsibility of early childhood care and education on their own is not only unsustainable, but deeply detrimental to the wellbeing of children, families and society.

The book offers a vision of a "parent nation," where America's tens of millions of parents come together to advocate for and enact meaningful change regarding quality and affordable childcare, paid family leave and other polices that ultimately protect children and help enrich their lives.


Suskind's book also promotes other initiatives like Parent Villages, small groups of parents who come together to support one another, identify and discuss the needs of families in their community, and make a plan to get those needs met.

"I hope this book will remind parents that there is more that unites us than separates us; that they are not alone in their struggles or aspirations; that they need not go it alone when it comes to raising their children; and that we are stronger together," Suskind said. "I hope it will give parents and their allies what they need to succeed."

Suskind will give more insights from "Parent Nation" at her CivicCon presentation, 6-7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Studer Community Institute first floor atrium, 220 W. Garden St., Pensacola.

The event is free and open to all. Registration is available by searching "CivicCon" at eventbrite.com, and those who register can submit a question for Suskind.

The presentation will also be livestreamed at pnj.com and the News Journal's Facebook page.

CivicCon is a partnership of the News Journal and the Studer Community Institute to empower communities to become better places to live, grow, work and invest through smart planning and civic conversations.

For more information visit pnj.com/civiccon.

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Dr. Dana Suskind will discuss Parent Nation at CivicCon in Pensacola