Parents, LGBTQ advocates speak against school board members' gender identity comments

Comments two Springfield school board members made about gender identity on a recent radio program came under fire this week as Springfield parents and advocates for LGBTQ youth weighed in by email and in person at Tuesday's public board meeting.

Those who wrote in and spoke Tuesday expressed support for allowing Pride flags and Safe Space stickers in classrooms and asked the district — again — to issue a statement of support for LGBTQ students and employees.

"We have evidence of what can create safe spaces for all. Why are we fighting back against it so much? Why are we telling these children they don't matter?" asked parent Dani Lacio, the GLO Center's Ozarks Inclusion Project coordinator.

"Gender identity isn't hindering academic success. A lack of empathy and education is the barrier. Academic success isn't sustainable when children don't feel seen, supported and safe."

Dani Lacio
Dani Lacio

Diversity, Pride flags, gender identity among recent controversies

This summer, the board faced allegations of a behind-the-scenes effort to dismantle the Office of Equity and Diversity and was split on funding an expansion of the Student African American Brotherhood, a mentoring program known as SAAB.

The week before classes started in August, Kickapoo High School told "a handful" of its teachers to remove Pride flags.

On Friday, board member Steve Makoski was guest host of the Elijah Haahr Show on KWTO, with a program focused on gender identity. He described gender identity issues as a distraction in the classroom, saying that "does hinder student achievement."

School board vice president Maryam Mohammadkhani, who was a guest on the show, also voiced concerns about "the Safe Space movement."

Springfield school board members Maryam Mohammadkhani and Steve Makoski. Mohammadkhani is board vice president.
Springfield school board members Maryam Mohammadkhani and Steve Makoski. Mohammadkhani is board vice president.

Other show topics included the removal of Pride flags from "a handful" of classrooms at Kickapoo High School, transgender students, curriculum related to American history and the role of parents in educating their children.

Makoski, Mohammadkhani and one of three other guests — a public policy advisor for the Missouri Baptist Convention — expressed concern that adults in the school setting may "groom" vulnerable students, either ideologically or sexually.

Some of those statements drew sharp criticism Tuesday.

"There are members of this board who, at best, are flirting with racist, homophobic and transphobic ideas and, at worst, are racist, homophobic and transphobic themselves," said Kyler Sherman-Wilkins, assistant professor of sociology at Missouri State University.

He said students deserve better than individuals who "spout hateful, divisive, vile and cruel ideology masquerading as expertise in simply asking questions."

Kyler Sherman-Wilkins
Kyler Sherman-Wilkins

At the Tuesday meeting, Sherman-Wilkins directly challenged comments Makoski made on the radio show but without saying his name.

"One board member suggested that gender (identity) hinders academic performance. This is frankly dumb and absurd," he said. "For one, everyone has a gender identity. Secondly, any assumptions of gender identity impacting academic performance without consideration of the roles that bigots play in ... putting in place policies that make it unsafe for our children to learn is incomplete, disingenuous and dangerous."

More: PFLAG Springfield steps up support of SPS students after 'gender identity' radio show

Sherman reiterated a call for the Springfield district to issue a statement of support for its LGBTQ students. "There is precedents for this. In 2019, the district put out a statement condemning racism and bigotry."

Speakers, board member question "new interpretation" of policy on Pride flags

Katy Erker-Lynch, executive director for PROMO, an advocacy group in Missouri, made the same request. "It's crucial to be abundantly clear where you stand."

"I'm here to tell the Board of Education that you still have an opportunity to do what is right for students," said Erker-Lynch. "You have the power to stop this before vulnerable students are bullied, shamed and forced to feel 'othered' and left out because of a new interpretation of existing district policies."

Katy Erker-Lynch
Katy Erker-Lynch

After the Pride flag removal, all district employees received a reminder about the board policy GBCB — adopted in 2014 and updated in 2019 — which sets guidelines for staff conduct and speech.

"I'm really curious why, in the past several weeks, a district policy that has existed and been on the books is now being interpreted so differently. I'm also curious if there is a definition for what personal beliefs are and where identity expression and orientation fall into that."

Rue Lohn, cooperative youth group director with the Connecting Grounds, said board policy GBCB states staff are dedicated to doing what is necessary to "maintain safe learning environments and positive relationships with students."

"After reading that reasonable policy, it makes me question how the Springfield school district could arrive at a conclusion to remove Pride flags from classrooms," Lohn said.

Citing national studies showing suicide is higher among LGBTQ youth, Lohn added: "Having an LGBTQ+ representation, such as the Pride flag, in classrooms is a form of suicide prevention."

The rainbow-colored Pride flag is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride and synonymous with the LGBTQ social movement. It represents the spectrum of human sexuality and gender.

The "Safe Space" term, often connected with the LGBTQ community, typically is used to indicate a teacher, school, college campus or student body that will not tolerate harassment, violence or hate speech against others, including marginalized groups.

However, the term has been mocked as coddling K-12 or college students or as stifling personal freedoms, speech and the free exchange of ideas.

Shurita Thomas-Tate
Shurita Thomas-Tate

At the end of the meeting, board member Shurita Thomas-Tate spoke about the public response to the "new interpretation" of the board policy.

"I am saying 'new' because it doesn't seem that we have responded in the same way in the past and this seems to be a new way of addressing this or interpreting this policy," she said.

Thomas-Tate said she worries the current interpretation is a "direct response to political agendas."

"This move saddens me because I truly believe representation matters," she said. "We know that students who are seen and supported and heard and safe, they do perform better in school."

She added: "We don't have to agree with one another but we do have to — we must — respect our students and their identities. We must respect their ability to be a full person in the school setting."

Book-banning concerns, allegations of "grooming"

Thomas-Tate noted that in Missouri, and across the U.S., books that deal with gender identity and LGBTQ issues have been challenged.

Scott Crise
Scott Crise

Board member Scott Crise said challenges to books in the Springfield district have been rare and have not resulted in removal.

"Hopefully we will not ban any books like that," he said. "It may be done other places, you see it in the media ... but it's not done here."

Thomas-Tate responded: "I would agree that I hope it's never done but this kind of leads in that direction and I just want to not see that happen."

Board president Denise Fredrick did not comment on any policy, gender identity, flag or LGBTQ issues at the end of the meeting and neither did Mohammadkhani or Makoski, who appeared to have deactivated or deleted his primary Twitter and Facebook accounts this week.

Board member Kelly Byrne spoke briefly about the district's mission statement, which was updated Tuesday, before weighing in.

"I do believe that every member on this board cares deeply about all students," he said. "And I think it's important to all of us in the district that all students are safe and given an opportunity for academic excellence."

Katherine Gilbert, an associate professor of English at Drury University, said as a parent, she was was "troubled" by comments about LGBTQ students that were not "evidence-based."

Katherine GIlbert
Katherine GIlbert

She said there is danger in "conspiracy narratives sweeping the nation" that suggest educators who openly support LGBTQ students are groomers.

"To be very clear about the definition of grooming, as someone who has worked in sexual violence prevention, it refers to behavior that a sexual predator uses to prepare a future victim for violation," said Gilbert, who has studied gender issues for more than 20 years. "It is a serious claim that someone is engaging in abhorrent and criminal behavior."

Gilbert said the grooming allegation paints LGBTQ individuals, and those who accept them, as "abnormal, creepy, dangerous, manipulative."

"It is especially cruel that this discourse is taking place under the context of saying it's in protection of children. It's not, it's harming children and it's based on total lies," she said. "It should stop immediately."

Claudette Riley is the education reporter for the News-Leader. Email news tips to

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Parents blast Springfield school board comments on gender identity