Park progress: 'Community' effort underway to upgrade Central City space

May 24—CENTRAL CITY, Pa. — Layers of fresh pavilion paint, a colorful mural and a newly arrived bundle of playground parts offered hints of what's to come Monday at Central City Recreation Park.

Spearheaded by a volunteer crew and more than $27,000 worth of fundraising, efforts are underway to brighten up the park, add a multi-level jungle gym-style playground for children and a disc golf course.

"We're excited to get it ready," said Jennifer Jarvis, a co-founder of the Christmas in the Park group that launched the effort.

Once complete, a 33-square-foot playground with tandem racing slides, monkeybars and other play features will be added at the center of the playground.

While several existing deteriorated playground features will be removed from the park, a steel 1950's-era merry-go-round will be refurbished, she said.

It's just one example of the communitywide effort that has made the project possible — and will continue to hold true once construction begins, she said.

Central City welder Greg Custer volunteered his time to repair the 70-year-old merry-go-round, she said.

Two local artists, Lexi Bulger and Abby Haga, are painting separate murals on the former bathhouse building and the current pavilion later this summer.

And Indiana resident Brian Schork built nine wooden benches that adapt into picnic tables, group members said.

Thanks to a donation by another Central City resident, Karen Blough, a mini-library was also installed. It was being stocked with books and games Monday for children inside the pavilion.

Behind the structure, crews have already marked a number of trees for removal as a first step in a plan to build the "Frisbee golf" course.

Central City resident Matt Christopher praised the effort while playing with his three children — Gabriel, 4, Asher, 2, and Delilah, 8 months.

"Anything that can let these guys get some of their energy out is much needed in our town," he said. "Better this than video games."

The grassroots Christmas in the Park group recognized the park needed upgrades when they formed several years ago and have worked one day — and one donation at a time to see it through, fellow member Lori Custer said.

"It takes a small group of people to make a big change," Jarvis said.

The group is hoping they can to have the playground built in June — but they need help.

The need extra manpower — and perhaps equipment to build the 33-foot-wide playground set, particularly to lift the upper level to the top of the set, members said.

"Any person who can even volunteer an hour or two would be appreciated," Custer said.

The group is planning a work weekend June 4-5 beginning at 9 a.m. at the park. Anyone interested can reach out through the group's Facebook page or email

Through ongoing fundraising efforts for the park, the grassroots group is planning a father's day breakfast at the Central City Recreation Park Pavilion.

The event starts at 9 a.m. with the breakfast, which includes pancakes, sausage and coffee for $5, Custer said.

The event also includes a basket party and flea market at the park.