Parkland survivor David Hogg thrown out of House gun control meeting for impassioned interruption

David Hogg is removed from the meeting  (David Hogg/Twitter)
David Hogg is removed from the meeting (David Hogg/Twitter)
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Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg was thrown out of a House Judiciary Committee meeting about gun control on Wednesday after he confronted lawmakers about “reiterating the points of mass shooters”.

Mr Hogg, a prominent gun safety advocate, was sat in the gallery of the meeting when he rose to his feet passionately interrupted proceedings.

“You’re reiterating the points of mass shooters in your manifesto!” he shouted.

“The shooter in my high school, anti-Semitic, anti-black and racist. The shooter in El Paso described it as an invasion.”

Mr Hogg told lawmakers that the guns used in the attacks didn’t come from Mexico – but from within the US.

“Guess what those guns are coming from the United States of America. They aren’t coming from Mexico. They are not coming from Mexico,” he shouted.

“You are reiterating the points of a mass shooter, sir, sir, you are perpetuating violence… Stop these things now!”

A security officer took Mr Hogg by the arm and removed him from the room.

The impassioned confrontation came at the same time that the man who murdered 17 of Mr Hogg’s fellow students and school staff members appeared in court for his sentencing trial over in Florida.

On 14 February 2018, former student Nikolas Cruz entered Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and shot dead 17 innocent victims.

Another 17 people were shot but survived the massacre which remains one of the deadliest school shootings in American history.

Cruz pleaded guilty to 17 counts of murders and 17 counts of attempted murder last year.

A jury at his sentencing trial will now decide if he spends the rest of his life in prison or is sentenced to death for his crimes.