The Parmesan Cheese in Your Fridge Is Likely Not the Real Thing—Here's How to Tell

The Parmesan Cheese in Your Fridge Is Likely Not the Real Thing.True Parmesan cheese is Parmigiano-Reggiano. This raw milk cheese has been made for centuries, and here's how to make sure you get the real thing:.Keep in mind that a pre-grated Parmesan likely isn't Parmigiano-Reggiano, but a lower-quality imitation.Be sure your Parmigiano-Reggiano is DOP. DOP stands for "Denominazione di Origine Protetta," a mark ensuring that a wedge or wheel comes from the right part of Italy.A pre-cut wedge's wrapping will likely reveal its DOP status. If you're buying cheese fresh off the wheel, you can ask whoever is doing the cutting.Get Parmigiano-Reggiano sliced right from the wheel if you can. Not only is it mildly thrilling to watch a cheesemonger knock a small wedge free, your wedge will be very fresh.