Pastor's Corner: Who are we listening to?

Are you out there? Are you listening to what I am telling you? Why aren’t you listening to me?

Have you heard these questions before over your life time? I am sure you have.

There are always many questions that are being asked today. My dad used to say, “Questions are a good thing to ask because that is how you learn. And there is no such thing as a stupid question, but there are a lot of stupid answers.”

So today, who and what are you listening to? Where are you getting your information from and what are you basing your information on?

Years ago, as a young boy, I remember our family enjoyed listening to Paul Harvey. Mr. Harvey would come on right after the market report and it always seemed, in our opinion, he had some interesting things to say. So, in our house, we valued Mr. Harvey’s judgement.

There was also another voice my family listened to and made sure that we, as children of the house, took this to heart. My parents grew up with this voice as did my grandparents, so it was passed down from generation to generation. We were taught that this voice was the most important voice we could listen to and would transform our lives forever.

Playing hide and seek as children was fun, but there was something even as young girls and boys we had to do … seek. We had to seek out in order to find.

I am reminded what it says in Matthew 6:33. Jesus tell us this, “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Even as adults today we have to do some seeking, we have to do some searching, we have to do some listening when “Voice of God’s Word” is presented to us.

We have been given a choice in life. The God of heaven and earth has given us a choice to listen to His voice or listen to a stranger’s voice. We get to choose what we want to do in life and who we want to listen to.

But, your choice, your decision, will have consequences. Again, in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7:7-8 says this, “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

In these scriptures, we can see that there is an action that we need to take, there is something we must do as a people. If I choose not to seek, not to knock on the door, listen to another voice, what will be the outcome doing it our way? I can tell you this, we will be empty on the inside, we can be anxious and feel like there is something missing.

We try battling this world and all its problems and sifting through which voice is the truth and which one is not. Jesus wants each and every one of us to hear His voice. Jesus wants you and me to discover His great love and His peace in a troubled and divided world.

God’s ways are always higher than our ways. The only way to hear His voice in this environment is to realize your way of doing things doesn’t work and surrender your life to Him. Say “YES” to Jesus and say “I need your voice in my life, I need the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me through this journey here on earth.”

The influences in our life can be many things, family, friends, what we listen to and what we read. Take a moment and listen, stop your mind from racing and take your thoughts captive. What do you hear? Silence! How long has it been where we can be quiet and listen to what God has for us?

In I Kings chapter 19, it says that God spoke to Elijah in a “still small voice, or a gentle whisper.” God can still do that today if we take the time to shut everything else off and listen to the voice of the Bible, God’s Holy Spirit.

My challenge is for you today is this, will you take the time and let God speak to you so you can share in His great love and peace for your life. Turn away from the voices that will confuse you, mislead you and deceive you. Turn towards Him and your life will never be the same!

Rev. Brian King pastors at First Baptist Church, Fairbury

This article originally appeared on Pontiac Daily Leader: Rev. Brian King Pastor's Corner: Who are we listening to?