Pathway of the impeachment process: How it works, where we are

Congress has impeached two presidents before Donald Trump, more than a dozen judges and a few others in our nation’s history. Fewer than half were removed from office.

What exactly are the steps to impeachment and the process looming for President Trump?

Impeachment, the equivalent of being indicted, is part of the Constitution and conducted by the U.S. House of Representatives. The House decides whether there are constitutional grounds for an official to be tried by the Senate.

A Trump impeachment has been a rancorous partisan affair, with a Democratic-controlled House willing to impeach and a Republican-majority Senate unlikely to render a guilty verdict. A two-thirds majority is required for removal from office.

As an impeached president, Trump joins a noteworthy group. In the past 222 years, 19 U.S. officials have faced impeachment. Eight were found guilty and removed from office, seven were acquitted, and three resigned. Charges were dismissed in one case.

The House has wide leeway on how to conduct impeachment.

Grounds for impeachment:

  • Treason

  • Bribery

  • High crimes and misdemeanors

Note: The Constitution does not define high crimes and misdemeanors. Based on precedent, Congress will make that decision. By general agreement, high crimes are abuses of power. Details of the impeachment process:

1. Pelosi makes inquiry official

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., announces Sept. 24 the House will open an official impeachment inquiry. The probe is in response to a whistleblower’s complaint and allegations that Trump pressured the president of Ukraine to investigate presidential candidate Joe Biden and held military funding to keep the pressure on.

2. Investigation starts in House

Impeachment investigations begin with a House committee.

In the Trump inquiry, six committees, all with Democratic majorities, are investigating the president. The Intelligence Committee is designated as the lead, but the Judiciary Committee decides whether to present charges to the full House.

Each of the six committees is focusing on its area of expertise in a specific part of the overall Trump probe.

House committee areas of investigation and political affiliation of members:

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

The Intelligence Committee is reviewing Russian influence on U.S. elections and if foreign nations have leverage over Trump, his family or his businesses.

Committee on the Judiciary

The Judiciary Committee is probing Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and looking for links between the Trump campaign and Russians.

Both committees refocused on Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to investigate Biden and the withholding of military aid.

Committee on Oversight and Reform

1 – Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., died Oct. 17. A special election will decide who replaces him in the House. Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., resigned effective Nov. 1.

The Oversight and Reform Committee is investigating whether Trump violated financial disclosure laws. It subpoenaed Mazars USA, a global accounting firm, for Trump financial records going back to 2009.

Committee on Foreign Affairs

The Foreign Affairs Committee is investigating Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Committee on Financial Services

The Financial Services Committee is examining Trump's connection with Deutsche Bank AG, the German multinational investment bank, and if Russian money was laundered through it.

Ways and Means Committee

The Ways and Means Committee is seeking six years of Trump's personal and business-related tax returns.

On Sept. 24, work of the committees began in earnest when Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry.

On Oct. 2, the first witness is heard. Kurt Volker, former special envoy to Ukraine, met with members of the House Intelligence, Oversight and Reform, and Foreign Affairs committees.

On Oct, 31, the full House approved, mostly along partisan lines, the rules on how the impeachment should proceed.

3. House OKs impeachment inquiry rules

Members approved House Resolution 660 on Oct. 31 by a tally of 232 to 196.

The rules define how the House will conduct its impeachment inquiry until the full membership vote.

The resolution directs the six committees to continue their investigations and authorizes public release of findings and witness depositions. It also sets time limits on questioning of witnesses and spells out how witnesses can be summoned.

4. Intelligence committee holds hearings

The Intelligence Committee holds open public hearings after earlier hearings behind closed doors. Hearings focus on Trump’s alleged pressuring of Ukraine president to investigate Biden and his son and interfer in the 2020 election while withholding military assistance to Ukraine, which is fighting Russia. Testimony begins Nov. 13 with William Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, and George Kent, a State Department official.

Intelligence reports the information gathered by all six committees to the Judiciary Committee.

5. Judiciary considers articles of impeachment

The Judiciary Committee debates which articles of impeachment should be sent to the House.

An article of impeachment is a specific charge warranting impeachment. Each of the six committees investigating the president could offer one or more articles of impeachment.

On Dec. 13, after debate, the Judiciary Committee votes 23-17 to send two articles to the full House.

6. Full House impeachment vote

After receiving the articles of impeachment from the Judiciary Committee, the full House votes whether to impeach. At least one article of impeachment must be approved for an impeachment trial to take place.

On Dec. 18, voting along party lines, the House votes 230-197 to charge Trump with abuse of power. It votes 229-198 to charge him with obstruction of Congress.

A simple majority is required for passage – at least 218 of the full 435-member House. (or 216 of the current 431 members). Number of Democrats and Republicans in the House:

The four House vacancies are: Sean Duffy, R-Wis., resigned Sept. 23; Chris Collins, R-N.Y., resigned Sept. 30; Elijah Cummings, D-Md., died Oct. 17; Katie Hill, D-Calif., who voted on Oct. 31 and resigned Nov. 1.

On Jan. 15, the House votes 228 to 193 to send impeachment articles to the Senate. Nine representatives record a "no vote." At this point, there are five vacancies in the House.

7. Senate trial procedures

The Senate approves a resolution that determines how the trial can be conducted, including:

  • How evidence can be presented;

  • The number of days the trial can last;

  • How many witnesses can be included.

While Democrats control the House, Republicans have the majority in the Senate. Members and affiliations:

8. Trial participants

  • Judge: Supreme Court’s chief justice presides.

  • Prosecution: House members, called “managers,” serve as prosecutors.

  • Defense: Lawyers retained by the president defend him.

  • Jury: The full 100-member Senate is the jury.

Note: Senate Independents caucus with Democrats.

9. Senate renders verdict

Acquitted: President remains in office.

Convicted: If two-thirds or more of the 100-member Senate (67 senators or more) find the president guilty, the president is removed from office. The vice president then becomes president.

On Feb. 5, the Senate voted along party lines to acquit Trump of both articles of impeachment. By a vote of 52-48, it found him not guilty of abuse of power and not guilty by a vote of 53-47 for obstruction of Congress.

Who's faced impeachment?

Two presidents impeached, one resigned

Andrew Johnson in 1868, Richard Nixon in 1974, and Bill Clinton in 1998.

Nixon resigned before a full House vote was taken. Johnson and Clinton were acquitted by the Senate.

Fourteen federal judges

Eight judges were found guilty and removed from office; three were acquitted, and three resigned before trial.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., is one of the judges who was found guilty and removed from office. He was later elected to the House and will be one of the members deciding whether to impeach Trump.

One Supreme Court justice

Samuel Chase, a Supreme Court associate justice, was tried and acquitted in 1804.

One U.S. senator

Impeachment charges against William Blount, senator from Tennessee, were dismissed for lack of jurisdiction in 1797.

One secretary of war

William Belknap, a secretary of war, was acquitted in 1876.

SOURCE House of Representatives; Congressional Research Service; Associated Press; Reuters; USA TODAY research; ILLUSTRATION Javier Zarracina; GRAPHICS Ramon Padilla and George Petras

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Where are we in Trump impeachment process and what are the next steps