Paw prints: Portales shelter hopes to expand in providing for animal community

Oct. 14—As Portales Animal Shelter reaches a 90% adoption and transfer rate, Portales Community Services Director Kelly McClellan said the city plans to expand further in providing for the local animal community this November.

McClellan said one of the biggest causes of concern is the overwhelming stray population within the city. With a recent partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, she said the animal shelter is looking to be more proactive in reducing the numbers by helping low-income families and animals through grants.

"The grants that are getting sent to us are new, but we're hoping it will give us a good foundation to start to really bring down numbers and increase animal welfare and city safety for the next couple of years," McClellan said.

Below are the grants that were taken to council and are pending for acceptance:

— New Mexico Spay and Neuter Grant Programs for $50,000: $15,000 will go toward a trap and release program to tackle the overpopulation of feral and community cats. While the remaining $35,000 will be used as vouchers for low-income families.

— Cover $10 for rabies, $125 for feline spay/neuter, and $200 for k9 spay/neuter.

— The Rachael Ray Save Them All Grant for $50,000: That will be used to spay/neuter about 200 feral and community cats.

— The Rachael Ray No-Kill Excellence Grant for $60,000: The funds will be used to establish a pet pantry, so low-income families can get pet food.

As the grants are being processed McClellan said the city is looking into moving out of its temporary facility and establishing a larger and more permanent location for the animal shelter.

"We are currently in the quoting phase as we are hoping we've found a solution that would allow us to purchase a brand new facility. I don't have a timeline, but we are pursuing a very specific option as it'll be the fastest way to get a public facility open again," McClellan said.

McClellan said the Portales Municipal Animal Control is also looking into helping by hosting its first "Free City Registration Day" at the Memorial Building from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. She said registering your pet can be helpful in returning pets to owners and ensuring safety.

Madison Willis writes about animals for The Eastern New Mexico News. To suggest a story or nominate a "Pet of the week," contact her at: