Paying it Forward: 100 Day Plan

A rendering of the future Boys and Girls Club that will be on the east side of Wichita Falls. Groundbreaking for the center was March 7.
A rendering of the future Boys and Girls Club that will be on the east side of Wichita Falls. Groundbreaking for the center was March 7.

Last week’s groundbreaking of the new Rosewood Community Center and Boys and Girls Club campus is an amazing vision brought to reality through big thinking and planning. This 20,000 square-foot center opens in July 2024, a month before the new Legacy High School. The parking lot owned by Mount Pleasant Baptist Church will be updated with a lease for parking by the Rosewood Community Center. This major undertaking requires many experienced professionals to donate significant time and skills to open.

Last week’s groundbreaking of the new Rosewood Community Center and Boys and Girls Club campus is an amazing vision brought to reality through big thinking and planning. This 20,000 square foot center opens in July 2024, a month before the new Legacy High School.  The parking lot owned by Mount Pleasant Baptist Church will be updated with a lease for parking by the Rosewood Community Center. This major undertaking requires many experienced professionals to donate significant time and skills to open.

With 4,000 area clients, the Boy and Girls Club knows the Rosewood community and extended their partnership with Wichita Falls Housing Authority that dates to 1955. The Housing Authority will own the property and building with responsibility for utilities and maintenance while the Boys and Girls club operates the Center.

More:Plans moving to build new Boys and Girls Club

Your nonprofit can similarly “go where others are going” and share the benefits of location or messaging in reaching either those in need of your nonprofit services or the volunteers you need to deliver those services. A rising tide floats all boats.

Do you have a plan for your vision? Is your current plan effective and getting you towards your goals? I learned from Intel, my key competitor while at Motorola. Andy Grove cofounder and third CEO, transformed Intel’s Management by Objective or MBO goals in the 1970’s to an Objectives and Key Results framework used in defining measurable goals that are regularly tracked. Today, OKRs are industry standard tools for planning but still few nonprofits have actionable plans.

If your current plan isn’t working, pause and assess why. Big goals take teams -- check the skills available to you versus the challenges of your current plan. You need changes to the plan in response to new challenges. Is an update merited? Sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know. You may need to restart with a new plan adjusted to reality.

If you need a plan, then the first thing you do, set a date to have a plan for a plan. If you don’t get started on your goals it will continue to slip. Start by answering the question of what problem are you trying to solve.

I find having a few high priority goals on a 100-day plan keeps me focused. How about you?


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This article originally appeared on Wichita Falls Times Record News: Paying it Forward: 100 Day Plan