'Peace of mind': For Arizona veterans exposed to toxins, health care benefits are finally here

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When Army veteran Travis Burns was serving in the first Gulf War back in the early 1990s, troops had a standard way of getting rid of trash.

Everything was burned — in massive open-air pits, or in piles near the campsite. “Sterilizing the area,” they called it, so that enemy Iraqi troops couldn't gain intelligence off the table scraps, couldn't count rations that were left over to figure out how many soldiers were in the area.

Burns wasn't in camps for very long, and he didn't live next to the oil fields that had been burned by Iraqi military forces. But dust and ash were everywhere. And desert windstorms would push the fallout from explosions and fires wherever the soldiers went. War smelled like burnt plastic, burnt petroleum, burnt rubber and burnt tire.

“Everything you can imagine that would burn, that's what it smelled like,” Burns said. “And it was everywhere.”

Some of his fellow soldiers started dying shortly after coming home. They were suffering from “Gulf War Syndrome,” a chronic amalgam of medical conditions like fatigue, migraines, joint pain, indigestion and respiratory disorders. The Veterans Administration now calls it “chronic multisymptom illness,” and the disease is widely attributed to the toxic exposure troops faced while fighting in Kuwait.

For a while, troops couldn't get VA benefits to manage their Gulf War Syndrome symptoms. Burns, now an author and veteran advocate who serves as the communications director at Unified Arizona Veterans, suffers from chronic migraines and muscle pain. But the VA continued to maintain there wasn't a substantial link between Burns' service and his chronic illnesses.

“What that does to your quality of life, it tears it up. I went through these migraines untreated for 18 years,” Burns said. “And before the passage of the Affordable Care Act, I could not get health insurance. Because they said warfare was a 'preexisting condition.' That is a quote. I didn't make that up.”

Emotional ceremony at White House

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden signed into law the PACT Act, a bipartisan bill that will expand health care benefits for millions of veterans who were exposed to burn pits while serving overseas. While the law is most commonly discussed in the context of post-9/11 veterans, it also covers many veterans from the Gulf and Vietnam wars.

With an estimated $280 billion cost over the next 10 years, the new law is one of the largest expansions of VA benefits in American history. It will take away the burden of proof for veterans who believe their medical conditions resulted from burn pit exposure and increase training on toxic exposure for people currently in the field.

For veterans like Burns, it's the difference between treating a medical condition or fighting to ignore it — potentially the difference between pain and progress. For Biden, who has tied his own son Beau's 2015 death to toxic burn pit exposure, the law means the fulfillment of a deeply personal goal.

“I was going to get this done, come hell or high water,” Biden said in a speech before putting pen to paper Wednesday at the White House.

Up to 3.5 million veterans have been exposed to toxic burn puts while overseas, according to veteran advocacy group IAVA. But the VA denied a whopping 78% of disability claims tying back to toxic exposure from 2007 to 2020, saying the exposed veterans couldn't prove burn pits were the cause of many new medical conditions.

With the PACT Act now the law, the number of denied claims will drop precipitously — and immediately.

More than 20 medical conditions attributed to toxic burn pit exposure are now being moved over to the VA's list of presumed conditions, meaning the agency will now “automatically assume (or “presume”) that your service caused your condition,” according to its website. That list of presumed conditions is linked here. VA members now can begin applying for claims related to these conditions.

U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., who lived by burn pits while serving in the Iraq War, has advocated for legislation to take care of affected veterans ever since.

“The PACT Act gives me peace of mind that service members will be able to get the care they need,” Gallego told The Arizona Republic. “We’ve worked on this legislation for years, and having it signed into law is an accomplishment I’m extremely proud of.”

The law also funds research and awareness for burn pit-related medical conditions and requires VA facilities to perform a toxic exposure screen of all service members accessing services. And it adds more locations that qualify Vietnam War veterans for coverage because of Agent Orange exposure.

Veterans recall exposure, worry about consequences

Today, Burns counts himself among the lucky ones.

“There were units that were so close to those burning oil fields that they had liquid oil come down upon them,” Burns said. “It would condense in the air and fall back to the Earth. They lived in it. There were people that live by the burn pits.”

And now, they live in fear. Even Gallego.

“I know a lot of Marines personally who have suffered in the years since their service,” Gallego said. “Even for me, I’m nervous for the day I may find out I’m sick from my time spent sleeping next to burn pits in Iraq.”

He didn't think about toxic exposure when he was shipped off to Iraq in 2005. His company lost 22 service members and a Navy corpsman in eight months. He was thinking about the immediate term.

“I was on a front-line unit that was always out and walking,” Gallego said. “So I was exposed to a lot of heat, a lot of fumes from the vehicles I was in. The burn pit itself just smelled like burnt plastic. It just became part of my everyday life. At that point, what you're worried about is surviving the mortar rounds, IEDs and snipers. You're not really worried about this thing burning next to you until you realize years later what the consequence of that was.”

But he takes heart from the access he will have to VA treatment if need arises stemming from his exposure. So does federal Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who spent seven months deployed in Afghanistan in 2014. He was at the White House on Wednesday when Biden signed the bill into law.

“I personally don't think that I was as close to some of these toxic fires as a lot of people I know, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, were,” Buttigieg said.

“But it was very emotional to be there for the signing, especially to see what it took to get it done. I remember being moved when the president announced this in his State of the Union speech as a priority that he believed both parties could get together around. He proved right.”

Gregory Svirnovskiy is a Pulliam Fellow at The Arizona Republic. You can follow him on Twitter @gsvirnovskiy or reach him by email at gregory.svirnovskiy@gannett.com.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: PACT Act expands benefits for Arizona veterans exposed to burn pits