"Peloton Wife" Has Broken Her Silence on Her Viral Ad

After her co-star spoke out about their widely-mocked Peloton ad, the actress (a.k.a. "Peloton Wife") has also said her piece in a new interview with the Today Show.

Monica Ruiz joked in her first interview since the ad aired that she blamed her own face for the backlash, which saw many people commenting that she looked terrified.

"Honestly, I think it was just my face," she said. "It was my fault! My eyebrows looked worried, I guess? People were like, ‘You look scared.’ I’m telling you, it was my face, that was the problem, and then it just exploded it from there. She looks worried and I’m like, ‘Oh no, my eyebrows. They move!"

"I kinda stopped reading [the negative comments], thinking, 'It’s gonna blow over,' but it didn’t really blow over as quickly as I thought it would," she said.

While her co-star, Sean James, responded to the backlash a few days after the ad went viral, Ruiz said she stayed quiet, hoping it would blow over.

"I kept feeling like there were two camps: Some people thought that it was a really big deal and other people thought it was no big deal, so I was like, ‘Maybe I should just wait for it to blow over and then it won’t seem like I’m trying to keep myself in the press and in the news,'" she said.

When it didn't blow over, Ruiz said, "I was like, 'Okay, I’ll just let everyone know I’m fine. I’m okay, I’m not in a rehab for mental health anywhere.'"

RELATED: The Husband in the Widely-Mocked Peloton Ad Has Spoken Out

In fact, she seems to be doing pretty well for herself — she's since starred in an Aviation gin ad with Ryan Reynolds, playfully making light of the Peloton drama.

"I hope people can just see me as an actress, ’cause that’s what I am — I like to do movies and TV, commercials — so I hope people can remember that I’m not actually the Peloton lady and let me work other jobs!" she said.