Pence calls Chief Justice John Roberts 'a disappointment to conservatives'

Vice President Mike Pence isn't happy that Chief Justice John Roberts played a role in upholding the Affordable Care Act and rejecting a Nevada church's challenge to coronavirus restrictions, calling him a "disappointment to conservatives."

In an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network on Wednesday, Pence said such cases "are a reminder of just how important this election is for the future of the Supreme Court." Roberts also sided with the court's liberal wing in June to strike down a Louisiana abortion law, and Pence said that ruling should be "a wake up call for pro-life voters around the country who understand in a very real sense that the destiny of the Supreme Court is on the ballot in 2020."

Soon, President Trump will publish a list of "men and women from which he will draw any future appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States," Pence added, like he did in 2016. "He kept his word, he's going to do that in the fall of 2020, and the next four years he'll keep his word and appoint more principled conservatives to our courts."

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