Pennsylvania Has An Ice Cream Trail With 31 Glorious, Sugar-Filled Stops

Photo credit: Visit PA
Photo credit: Visit PA

From Delish

Sure hiking trails are great, but don't you think they'd be even better if they included scoops of ice cream instead rocks and bugs and stuff? Well, Pennsylvania just made that dream into a sweet, sweet reality with their massive, statewide ice cream trail.

The trail is made each year by Visit PA, and this year it features a whopping 31 creameries and ice cream shops for you to enjoy. If that sounds like a lot to you (in which case, what's it like to have self control when it comes to ice cream?) you can break the big journey into three smaller trails, segmented by region. The Western trail features nine stops (including my favorite as a PA native, Betsy's Ice Cream), the South Central trail features 13 stops, and the Eastern trail features nine stops.

In case eating delicious ice cream doesn't seem worth your time, you can also get rewarded just for taking part in the trail. Participants have from June 1 until September 2 to visit five stops on the list of their choosing and mail their ice cream "passport" in to get a free T-shirt.

If you still you need some inspiration before hitting the trail, know this: A writer from Food And Wine recently took a swing at six stops on the Eastern Trail and found three goats named Frosty, Dip, and Scoop at one ice cream trail location. I'd say that alone is reason enough to set off on your merry way.

The only question is, what do I get if I hit all the stops...?

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