Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves' transition team finishes report. Here are 3 big takeaways:

Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves' Transition Team approved its final report of recommendations for Reeves' new administration Wednesday.

The 102-page report contains recommendations of ideas or policy changes Reeves should look into during his time as mayor of Pensacola in 12 focus areas that cover topics like attainable housing, public safety, education and citizen engagement.

The members of the team held almost 50 meetings since its first full meeting in September.

Mayor-Elect D.C. Reeves transition chairman Tim Kinsella addresses team members during the groups first meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022.
Mayor-Elect D.C. Reeves transition chairman Tim Kinsella addresses team members during the groups first meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022.

Transition team namedPensacola Mayor-elect D.C. Reeves announces 29 members of transition team

Kinsella tapped to lead transitionPensacola Mayor-elect D.C. Reeves names Capt. Tim Kinsella to lead his transition team

Reeves thanked the 29 members of his transition team on Wednesday and said that the report would stay at the forefront as a reference for policy decisions by his administration.

"We've seen before years go on, and priorities change. There wasn't any attainable housing four years ago. There wasn't even that department, and we know the crisis that we're in right now," Reeves said. "So things change, things evolve, and so I feel that much more confident moving forward, and I know our administration does, having a reference like this."

Retired U.S. Navy Capt. Tim Kinsella, former commanding officer of Naval Air Station Pensacola, led the 29-member committee and told reporters after the approval of the report Wednesday that the document would not be the answer to all of the city's problems.

"The city, up to this point, has not had a strategic plan, a strategic vision," Kinsella said. "So this is a roadmap for the mayor to create that strategic vision for the city, in areas where the mayor and I felt that it was important for the city to work on and to grow in."

Here are three takeaways from the transition report:

The report contains at least 91 recommendations.

Many of the transition team members followed the same format when making recommendations, while a few took their own approach. With all 29 members' reports, the final product contains at least 91 recommendations covering the 12 focus areas: Attainable housing, citizen engagement, city construction and development, education, employee engagement and culture, environment, finance, livability, measurable performance, military relations, public safety and strategic planning.

Kinsella's executive summary makes five overarching recommendations urging an broad focus on people, key performance indicators, finance, persistence and collaboration, with several more specific ideas on each of those areas.

One issue not in the report is homelessness. Kinsella points out in the report that issue was not included because the mayor can rely on the Homelessness Task Force for "expert guidance" on that matter.

Team gets to workPensacola Mayor-elect D.C. Reeves' transition team goes to work on guiding document

Kinsella said he views the report as being a guiding document for the future strategic plan of the city where every resident is included.

"It is to make Pensacola a thriving city where every single citizen reaps the benefits of Pensacola's success, not just a small few," Kinsella said.

Reeves has already started to address issues raised in the report, such as pay and staff levels

Many of the committee members recommended that Reeves take a closer look at staff levels, such as former Pensacola Police Department Chief and current Escambia County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Tommi Lyter, who pointed out a 2021 study recommended adding 11 members to the police force's Uniform Patrol Division.

Reeves announced Tuesday that as part of his $3.25 million request to the City Council, he was asking to fund a salary study and full-time equivalency study that will examine the level of pay and the number of employees in each city department.

Reeves said Wednesday those two studies would provide the data he uses to determine how to move forward on staff levels in the city.

"We compete with the private sector," Reeves said. "We compete with other governments to have talented people here. So we should be (looking at pay), that's an obligation of ours. But it's an obligation to the taxpayer to make sure that we aren't creating jobs just to create jobs, but that we're that we're getting a return on investment."

Tackling "attainable housing" will be a major challenge for the Reeves administration

The first focus area listed in the report is "attainable housing."

Kinsella said the report uses attainable housing because they view the issue as affecting people at all levels of income.

"It's not just about people on the low end of the scale. (It's about) people the high end of the scale too," Kinsella said. "If you want the city to grow, we need people to come here that are able to employ people. But if they can't find houses that fit their lifestyle, they're not going to move here. And the same for people on the lower end of the scale, if they can't afford to house, then they're not going to be able to live and take care of their families."

Reeves appointed Shirley Henderson, deputy executive director for the Area Housing Commission, and Sam Young, president and CEO of Pensacola Habitat for Humanity, to lead that focus area.

Henderson's recommendations include partnering with the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority and Community Enterprise Investment Inc. to build more affordable housing units in the city.

Young pointed out in his report that the price of a single-family home has risen much faster than the median income level.

Young recommends creating and empowering an attainable housing task force chair who would be charged with recruiting partners to work toward improving affordable housing in the city. Young also recommends the city create a housing trust fund to provide capital to develop affordable housing and move public land into a community land trust that could provide land to build cheaper homes.

Reeves said Wednesday he hasn't examined the recommendations about a housing trust fund closely yet, but he is open to all proposals on the issue.

"More so in that issue than probably almost any other, everything's on the table," Reeves said. "We will consider any and everything and have been already."

The full document is available at

Read the full report:

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Pensacola transition team has 91 recommendations for city's future