People should be able to smoke tobacco if they want to

I’m dismayed at how one of the political parties fully supports the rights of one group yet wants to take away the rights of another. No, I’m not talking about the Republicans supporting the rights of gun owners or trying to take away a woman’s right to choose.

I’m talking about the Democrat-led California legislature supporting a woman’s right to choose (which I fully support) yet is proposing a law to take away a person’s right to smoke tobacco (“Bill would eventually ban all tobacco sales” – Desert Sun Sunday, Feb. 26).

I understand the bill won’t ban the use of tobacco for this group, but it would restrict adults, born after a certain date, from purchasing tobacco even if they are legally adults. Semantics aside, it still is taking away the rights of a certain group of people.

I’ve never smoked, hate cigarettes and was the victim of secondhand cigarette smoke for 18 years of my life, but I fully support the rights of an adult to smoke tobacco if they want to. What’s next? Alcohol, cannabis or sugary soft drinks? Sky’s the limit.

In recent months and years, we’ve seen obscene examples of governmental overreach in red states like Florida, Texas and Georgia, but now we’re seeing it in California. Authoritarian governments can come from either side of the political spectrum.

Matthew P. Stone, La Quinta

Has The Desert Sun looked into natural gas prices?

Just asking this question—natural gas prices are the lowest they have been in two years. However, our gas bill has almost tripled this month. I've asked a number of people about this and no one has the answer. Have you or anyone you know done any research on this topic? Help.

Alan Goldstein, Rancho Mirage

*Editors note: Erin rode covered this topic in a Feb. 27 story, "How to get help with gas, electric bills in the Coachella Valley"

I'm a concerned veteran

As a veteran of the Korean War, my concern is for the well-being of all veterans, particularly those of us who are seniors. This leads me to questions that have yet to be answered.

What is the status of veterans in California? Are they a priority? Are they even a part of the discussion? These questions were brought to the attention of Gov. Gavin Newsom last year. He has yet to respond.

Considering the fact that there are millions of veterans, many of whom are disabled and residing in California, one would expect the governor to have greater respect and concern for the fate of veterans. He didn’t hesitate to provide financial assistance to millions of Californians by way of a tax rebate.

But, since veterans don’t normally have a taxable income, their names don’t appear on the tax rolls.

Consequently, they are conveniently overlooked. The question is why? A quick search of the internet did not answer the question. But a recent call to the governor’s office did.

In that conversation, it was made clear to me that veterans do not hold a special place, or are a priority in the State of California. If the state should recognize this inequity and offer a concession, it would be easily justified. After all, as veterans, we have already paid the price.

Charles Gabriele, Bermuda Dunes

Nice cartoon of President Jimmy Carter

I liked your cartoon on the Feb. 28 editorial page. It called to mind that both Jimmy Carter and Jesus were both carpenters. That wasn't all they had in common.

Ted Bacino, Palm Springs

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Californians should be able to smoke tobacco if they want to