People Are Calling Out Page Six For Misleading Demi Lovato Headline

demi lovato
demi lovato
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Demi Lovato did not say they "got tired" of using they/them pronouns.

demi lovato
demi lovato

People are not happy with Page Six and other news outlets who have released misleading and transphobic headlines about singer Demi Lovato claiming that they stopped using they/them pronouns because she “got tired” of using them, saying “it was absolutely exhausting.”

Lovato never said that. What she did say was that she got tired of having to explain her identity to people.

“I constantly had to educate people and explain why I identified with those pronouns. It was absolutely exhausting. And that is one of the reasons that have led me to also feel comfortable with feminine pronouns” Lovato told GQ Hype Spain in an interview about using both they/them and she/her pronouns. “I just got tired. But for that very reason I know that it is important to continue spreading the word.”

They also continued to talk about identifying as nonbinary and the struggles that come with doing that in a transphobic society.

“I face this every day. For example, in public toilets,” Lovato said about being nonbinary in public. “Having to use the women's bathroom, even though I don't completely identify with it. I would feel more comfortable in a genderless bathroom. Or it also happens when filling out forms, such as government documents or any other where you have to specify your gender. You only have two options, male and female, and I feel like none of that makes sense to me. I see myself conditioned to choose a woman because there are no more. I think this has to change. Hopefully with time there will be more options.”

Page Six decided to turn those comments on the difficulties made by cis society into a clickbait headline claiming Lovato “got tired” of using they/them pronouns.

Ironically, it's the kind of people who would twist Lovato’s words to say that she’s “tired” of using “they/them” pronouns who are the exact people that make it so exhausting to explain nonbinary identities.

Now, people across the internet are calling out Page Six for this transphobic and misleading headline.

“that’s actually not what they said”

“@PageSix That’s NOT what Demi said. This headline is completely misleading. Demi said she got exhausted of being misgendered by the media and having to explain why they adopted neutral pronouns all the time. Y’all are so weird towards non binary people”

“why word it like that this is sad asf i feel bad for them :/”

“it’s kind of disheartening seeing other queer folk make fun of demi knowing that magazines are known for clickbait titles. one second of looking into it would have told you that demi reverted back to she/her because no one used they/them correctly.”

“mattxiv: i think everyone should be wary of a headline that uses three separate sets of quotation marks rearranged with filler words written by the author to create an entirely new sentence”