People Are Leaving Holiday Treats Outside Their Doors for Delivery Drivers

During the holiday season, we know there are millions of people out there who deserve a bit more attention and kindness. It’s commonplace to give little gifts to colleagues. Some people may go out of their way for their hairstylist, babysitter or mailman.

And now some people are adding their delivery drivers to their Christmas lists.

Kathy Ouma of Middleton, Delaware posted a video on Facebook recently that has since gone viral. Ouma left a box of treats outside her home with water bottles, soda, mini-Oreos and cheese cracker sandwiches alongside a note from delivery people, telling them to take a snack.

She had a security camera set up which captured some heart-warming footage. When the driver dropped off her packages, he spotted the box and yelled, “Ah! This is so nice!” He selected some treats and then did a dance as he left Ouma’s porch.

The video quickly made the rounds on social media, proving that Ouma is not the only person adding some front porch cheer this holiday season. Others commented with their own version of the practice. Some people call the trend a “delivery driver Christmas cheer box.”

There are even print-outs people can attach to boxes to make the process easier, and the trend has caught on.

In Texas, mom and blogger Courtney DeFeo encouraged her children to think of people to whom they could spread Christmas cheer. They decided on garbage collectors. And then the list extended to security guards, delivery drivers and postal workers.

"We put up a poster that said, 'Thank you for picking up our trash. We’re so grateful,'" DeFeo told Good Morning America. "I also took candy canes and put little gift tags on them so the kids could walk up to a security guard or someone and say thank you and hand it to them."

She posted a list on her blog of 100 ways to create kindness, especially for strangers in the community. The list extended to putting a treat in the bank teller’s box, leaving $1 for the next stranger at the vending machine or putting away all the stray shopping carts in a parking lot. She called these “Light ‘Em Up” Acts and now other people are sharing their good deeds with the hashtag.

“Just a smile or a thank you or a candy cane or a note makes a difference,” she said.