17 Tweets About "Real Life" Haunted House Ideas That Made Me Die Inside

1.A house full of old poems:

2.A house full of snacking coworkers:

3.A house full of drunk mistakes:

4.A house full of wardrobe malfunctions:

5.A house full of receipts:

6.A house full Netflix stans:

7.A house full of superfluous packages:

8.A house full of bitter men:

9.A house full of socializing acquaintances:

10.A house full of dissociation:

11.A house full of "NOT THAT SONG:"

12.A house full of Google search history:

13.A house full of mansplainers:

14.A house full of angry Karens:

15.A house full of boring adult responsibilities:

16.A house full of gross chewers:

17.And a house full of fun facts:

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