Pepsi Supports Black-Owned Eateries With “Dig In Day”

Saturday, November 5th, Pepsi would like Americans across the country to support their local Black-owned restaurants. Pepsi Dig In day encourages everyone to bring exposure and dine at their favorite local Black restaurants across the country. Now in its second year, Pepsi is partnering with author, TV personality, and celebrity chef Carla Hall.

How it works:

Now through November 6th, customers who post their meals from Black-owned restaurants on social media and post “@PepsiDIgIn #DigInShowLove #sweepstakes” will have the opportunity to win $5000. Not only $5000 for themselves but also another $5000 will be donated to the restaurant associated with their post.

A note from Carla Hall:

Photo Credit: Pepsi
Photo Credit: Pepsi

“I’ve always been passionate about celebrating the food and community that Black-owned restaurants bring to the table. Pepsi Dig In does a phenomenal job of supporting these culinary gems with initiatives like Pepsi Dig In Day. We can all make a tangible impact by dining at these restaurants and enjoying what they have to offer,” said chef Carla Hall.

Learn more:

“Pepsi Dig In Day is a movement to inspire diners to discover Black-owned restaurants they’re excited to visit all year round. From rallying food lovers to providing tools for restauranteurs, our goal is to leverage the combined resources and power of our platform, partners, and fans to make a long-lasting impact,” said Scott Finlow, Chief Marketing Officer of PepsiCo Global Foodservice.

To learn more about “Dig In Day” and Pepsi’s initiatives to support Black-owned restaurants visit