Perry Lions Club seeks eyeglass, hearing aid donations

The Perry Lions Club is collecting eyeglasses again this year. The club is asking you to donate glasses that you no longer use to its eyeglass recycling program. The recycled glasses will be donated to needy people in third world countries and the United States.

The glasses collected by the Perry Lions Club will be taken to the Lions State Office in Ames and added to the glasses collected by other clubs across the state. From there the glasses will be shipped to a recycling center in Westville, Indiana. The glasses will be sorted and labeled by inmates in the Westville Correction Center. The inmates prepare them and ship about 400,000 pairs of glasses each year. Last year the Perry community donated over 100 pairs of glasses to this project. The recipients of the glasses are not charged. The project is funded by the Lions Club International Foundation.

There will be eyeglass collection boxes at Eye Care Associates, Hy-Vee, Medicap Pharmacy, Fareway and the Hotel Pattee with other possible locations to come soon. Lions Club members David Summerson and Mike Wilson are in charge of this project. Contact them or any Perry Lions Club member for more information.

Dr. Trisha Smith, an optometrist at Perry Eye Care Associates and a member of the Perry Lions Club, is also helping with the collection program. Eye Care Associates have been partners with the Perry Lions Club for many years assisting with other Lions Club vision programs.

The Perry Lions Club is also collecting old hearing aids that are no longer needed and can be placed in the same eyeglass collection box. These hearing aids are refurbished and distributed to recipients in need of hearing aids at no cost.

This article originally appeared on Perry Chief: Perry Lions Club seeks eyeglass, hearing aid donations