Petition to stop Katie Price owning more animals reaches 29.5k signatures

Support has soared for the petition after a number of the former glamour model's pets tragically died.

Katie Price
Katie Price has come under fire over her treatment of her pets (Getty)

Katie Price is facing fresh controversy over her treatment of animals after a petition to stop her owning pets soared in popularity.

The online list of signatures has reached over 29,500 at the time of writing after being started three years ago and lists a series of animals that have allegedly died in her care.

Price, 44, has had everything from dogs, to a horse, and a chameleon die in her care according to the petition which has been aimed at the RSPCA and People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals.

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The creators of the petition claim that it “isn’t a single family tragedy” causing the deaths of the animals, before going on to state: “We need to stop this now. No more animals need to die.”

If it reaches 35,000 signatures the petition will have become one of the most popular on Change.Org.

It was started following the death of Price’s Pomeranian dog named Sharon who was hit by a car after escaping through an open gate and running into traffic on a busy road close to her home.

Katie Price
Price has had a string of her animals die in her care. (ITV)

Back in 2017 one of Price’s horses died when it escaped from a field and was also hit by a vehicle.

In 2018 her pet Alsatian Queenie was hit and killed by a delivery driver, with her Chameleon Marvin dying of a “broken heart” later on that year.

A second Alsatian, Sparkle, was then hit by a car in 2020, before her French Bulldog Rolo died when he suffocated after being given cannabis oil and getting trapped in a chair, sparking criticism of the star from animal welfare charities.

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News of the petition comes after Price raised eyebrows among her fans when she shared plans from her daughter Bunny, 8, to become an OnlyFans star when she is older.

Price was doing an Instagram Q&A with her youngest daughter, who's father is former husband Kieran Hayler, when she asked the budding starlet if she was famous and what she wants to be when she grows up.

Talking in the clip Price said: “Are you famous Bunny?" She responded: "Yeah!"

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The glamour model then asked: "What are you famous for?" She said: "You."

Price then posed the question: "What do you want to do when you're older?" Bunny replied: "I want to be like you and do OnlyFans, a photo shoot,” leaving her mum stunned.