Phil Murphy did little more than a victory dance. What about NJ's problems? | Ciattarelli

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Each January, New Jersey's governor delivers the constitutionally required State of the State Address. Governors typically use the Address to do a victory dance in celebration of their accomplishments. That’s particularly the case if a governor has higher ambitions, and every indication is that Gov. Phil Murphy does.

But what exactly is there to celebrate when New Jersey is once again among the nation’s worst in outmigration, with thousands of people and billions of dollars leaving because we repel businesses, punish the middle-class and retirees, and offer little to no hope to young people that New Jersey is where they can achieve their American Dream?

Governor Phil Murphy delivers New Jersey's 2023 State of the State address in Trenton, NJ on January 10, 2023.
Governor Phil Murphy delivers New Jersey's 2023 State of the State address in Trenton, NJ on January 10, 2023.

Instead of a victory dance, the governor should have used this week's address to speak very candidly about our current challenges and innovative solutions.

Our challenges right now?

  • Student K-12 test scores in math and English are the lowest in five years. The state should immediately mandate more class time in these critical subject areas, as well as fund after-school and summer enrichment programs.

  • Statewide, there is a shortage of teachers and law enforcement professionals. The state should fund a compelling bonus program for all new hires.

  • President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan provides funds to create economic relief programs. New Jersey should institute a program that pays off medical debts, providing enormous relief to individuals, as well as financially stressed hospitals and health systems.

  • We have an ongoing property tax crisis. To address this crisis we need a new school funding formula that more equably distributes state aid to local districts and a permanent return of energy receipt taxes and 911 communication fees to municipalities and counties.

  • New Jersey has the worst business climate in the nation. You can’t make a state more affordable unless its economy is dynamic and robust. We should cut business taxes dramatically.

These common sense solutions have been deployed in other states. Why not us?

It certainly is not a question of funding. When Murphy took office five years ago, the state budget was $36 billion. It’s $52 billion today. An unprecedented 40% increase in spending. The governor has more than enough fiscal flexibility, including billions in surpluses, to address these challenges and cut the budget.

More perspective:Gov. Main Street? Or President Murphy? Who did we see at NJ's State of the State? | Charles Stile

Bold leadership and a dynamic blueprint will be needed to solve another challenge — distressed cities plagued by economic blight.

Vibrant, economically empowered, self-sustaining cities are the key — the answer — to New Jersey’s future, for our enormous tax burden, particularly in the suburbs, will never be solved if we do not revitalize our cities. Moreover, as long as our major cities remain in an economic slump, there will be enormous stress — a crowding-out effect — on the state budget and a massive drag on the state’s economy. Case in point, 50% of the state budget — $25+ billion — is dedicated to sustaining only 20 of New Jersey’s 564 towns. All the other towns are fiscally self-sustaining.

For more than five decades, New Jersey has had ample opportunity to address the plight of our major cities. Instead, it has shamefully applied annual band aids to serious urban wounds. Billions have been spent on politically expedient programs that, more times than not, perpetuate plight instead of addressing its underlying causes.

Urban reform is statewide reform. Said another way, we solve the economics of the suburbs by solving the economics of the cities. And so, for the sake of New Jersey’s future, our cities, with all their unlocked potential, must become high-powered engines of robust economic opportunity and growth. Certainly, education reform and school choice (e.g., Charter Schools) are critical, but economic development and opportunity are the key.

Rev. Dr. David Jefferson, Sr., Esq., pastor of the Newark Metropolitan Baptist Church, said it best in a published opinion piece: "We need immediate action that addresses economic injustices and provides the necessary ingredients for our businesses and communities to right themselves economically and create meaningful job growth."

Pastor Jefferson’s urgency may be attributable to the frustration felt by many people of color whose plight has not changed despite Murphy’s rhetoric and promises.

With all that in mind, the Local Housing and Redevelopment Law, which gives cities the power to undertake redevelopment projects, needs major improvements. New Jersey should change it to create a new Urban Revitalization Initiative that brings together local and state officials, as well as people in the community, to identify blighted areas that are in dire need of economic rebirth. While sensitive to gentrification, this coalition would work together to proactively acquire blighted properties. To incentivize redevelopment, a newly created gap-financing program provided by counties and backed by the state would be leveraged by a very dynamic Public-Private-Community Partnership.

Will 2023 be any different in addressing our challenges? The people of New Jersey hope so. If the governor were to ask them why they plan to leave, their honest answers would provide a more forward-looking State of the State Address, as opposed to any victory dance.

Jack Ciattarelli, the 2021 Republican nominee for New Jersey governor and a likely 2025 gubernatorial candidate, is a regular contributor to the opinion pages of USA TODAY Network New Jersey publications. 

The first New Jersey gubernatorial debate between incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ) and Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli, pictured, is being held at New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, NJ on September 28, 2021. Republican Ciattarelli appears on stage alone for for a photo opportunity prior to the debate.
The first New Jersey gubernatorial debate between incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ) and Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli, pictured, is being held at New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, NJ on September 28, 2021. Republican Ciattarelli appears on stage alone for for a photo opportunity prior to the debate.

This article originally appeared on Jack Ciattarelli: Phil Murphy's 2023 NJ State of the State