Phoenix Rising Addiction Center Guiding Recovering Addicts

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / September 21, 2020 / Addiction and mental illness rates have reached alarming levels. In this hyper-connected but desensitized age, the need for advocates for mental wellness has never been more pressing. That's why work of organizations like the Phoenix Rising Addiction Center comes at a crucial juncture for many people struggling with substance abuse and depression.

The center exists for the vision of creating a safe environment for people who struggle with the agency over their own lives. Their goal is to help each of the people they work with to get past their hurts, guilt, and shame and move toward a new and brighter future. The facility provides some of the best clinical care in the California area. Their organization lies in the value of safety, security, and attachment. The Phoenix Rising Addiction Center follows all of the current industry standards and stays up to date with the latest trends and practices.

The Phoenix Rising center rests on the leadership of Benjamin Kaneaiakala III, who serves as the organization's chief executive officer. Benjamin has over 31 years of recovery and experience work. Surpassing his already exceptional skill level as a counselor and coach is his passion for helping people. Ben always seeks to provide as many people with the tools they need to experience recovery and wholeness.

"I have been working for other people my whole career," Benjamin Kaneaiakala III. "When my wife and I opened up the Phoenix Rising Addiction Center, it was something we knew we needed to do. If we were going to help people professionally and ethically, we needed to go all in.

Today the center helps people from all walks of life and all ages suffering from the emotional and physiological pains of addiction, mental illness, anxiety, stress, depression, and other problems. The Phoenix Rising Center offers substance abuse evaluations, day and evening outpatient treatment programs, rehabilitation programs, and mental therapy. They have helped people detox from addictions, including alcohol, drugs, video games, and other substances.

Phoenix Rising Addiction Center prides itself in having some of the best clinicians and support staff for ailing loved ones. The facility's staff follow the highest safety protocols and industry standards to ensure that services are professional and excellent.

The center also advocates for the use of essential oils to help come with addictions. Benjamin Kaneaiakala III co-authored a book entitled Stepping Forward: Using Essential Oils to Support a 12-Step Program. The book serves as a guide for those who seek a more holistic and approach blended with traditional recovery. The book is now available on Amazon.

The Phoenix Rising Addiction Center also ties up with the non-profit Malama Foundation. The organization focuses on providing support services for people with substance abuse and mental health issues by helping pay for treatment, sober living housing, food cards, clothing, bus passes, case management, and other forms of support. The foundation handles the assessment of cases and helps facilitate the recovery process.

They also have a YouTube channel, where their most recent videos are about the 12 Steps Program and them bringing presence into recovery. Contemplating about the center's future, CEO Benjamin Kaneaiakala III hopes only to continue helping as many people as they can in whatever capacity they can. Their mission to create an impact in people's lives through their programs remains the far front motivation of everything that they do.

To learn more about the Phoenix Rising Addiction Center, visit its official website and LinkedIn page.

Company: Phoenix Rising Addiction Center
Phone: 877-299-5694

SOURCE: Phoenix Rising Addiction Center

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