Photojournalist's exhibit set to open at Albany Area Arts Council

Oct. 2—ALBANY — "In Ordinary Time; Photographs of the People of the Southeastern United States," by photojournalist Niel McGahee will be on exhibit at The Albany Area Arts Council Gallery starting Thursday.

The exhibit will run through Nov. 17, and a special meet-the-artist event is scheduled Oct. 13 from 6-8 p.m.

Throughout his 50-year career, McGahee took time to photograph the people of his beloved South. Now, nearly a lifetime after beginning this effort, he has assembled those black and white photos into this exhibition.

"Throughout my 40-year career as a photojournalist, I have always been drawn to the people whose life is a struggle," the artist said in a news release. "I think the foreword to my book 'In Ordinary Time," makes the best statement about my work.

"Glimpses of them every day along every mile of some pointless journey to wherever. Unknowable faces on street corners and in pool halls, in dime stores and bars, soup kitchens and gas stations and strip malls and empty cars. Ordinary people living ordinary lives under ordinary circumstances — their poetic faces offering dignity to a chaotic world too busy to stop and look and appreciate. My travels exposed me to their glimpses, and I stopped and talked and pointed my camera and tried to capture a poem in the making. In ordinary time."

The hours of the Albany Area Arts Council Gallery are Monday-Thursday, from noon-4 p.m. Other hours are available by appointment.