NSFW: Powerful Nude Pics Proves Love Is Beautiful Whatever Your Size

Size is no boundary to love. That’s the empowering message one photographer wants to capture in her inspirational new photo series which illustrates intimate moments of couples of varying racial backgrounds, gender and sizes.  

Substantia Jones is the brains behind The Adipositivity Project, a photography series which aims to encourage people to love their bodies, no matter its size or shape. Her latest collection, The Valentines Series, aims to highlight the distinct lack of size variation when it comes to the representation of love in the media.

“The unenlightened like to believe fat people are unworthy of love and long-term romantic partnerships,” she told Mashable. "To that we say, ‘Bite me.’“

The project showcases beautifully intimate shots of couples in love, in a bid to show “Fat people deserve love and sex and a good, deep hit of the happy, just like everyone else.”

"Fat people are loved and not,” Substantia explains in her statement. “Enjoying sexytimes and not. Happy and not. In pretty much the same measure as the general public. The 'Valentine Series’ informs the doubting world of this. Using visual aids.”

Check out the beautiful shots below and prepare to feel emotional!

More of Jones’ Valentine’s Day series, including her original photographs for The Adipositivity Project, can be found on her website.

What do you think of the shots? Let us know @YahooStyleUK.

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