This T-shirt brand empowers women by celebrating their biggest insecurities

Were you teased growing up?

You’re not alone. Like many of us, blogger Kait Villegas-Payne had plenty of insecurities.

“I never felt ‘cute,’ and certainly not 'hot,’ and that messed with my mental state for a long time — all my friends were developing boobs and getting boyfriends, and I was playing Pokemon Snap in my room and listening to Rilo Kiley alone after school,” she tells Hello Giggles.

Villegas-Payne recognized how these insecurities often found their way into adulthood, perpetuating feelings of shame and negativity, and she decided to do something about it. Creating a line of T-shirts, she pulled together some of the most common negative words used to describe women and turned them into statements by simply adding the word ‘babe.’ By doing this, the negative word went from shameful to a positive affirmation.

“I want people to learn to defeat shame by owning it; by utilizing social media to find other girls who are going through similar struggles and lifting each other up.”

Click through the gallery above to see her collection of shirts and let us know what you think by tweeting to @YahooStyleCA.