The pill, the coil and breast cancer: What you need to know

All forms of hormonal contraception including the pill, an implant or an intra-uterine device (IUD or coil), were found to raise the risk of breast cancer to some extent
All forms of hormonal contraception including the pill, an implant or an intra-uterine device (IUD or coil), were found to raise the risk of breast cancer to some extent

This morning, millions of women woke up to potentially worrying news. According to new research by the University of Oxford, taking the pill – or any other form of hormonal contraception, including the coil – increases the risk of breast cancer by 25 per cent.

While the risks associated with the combined pill have been known since the 1990s, scientists had thought that the newer, progestogen-only pill was “safer”. But this new research shows that the progesterone-only pill – which accounts for half of the six million annual prescriptions – carries a similar risk profile.

So, how worried should we be, either for ourselves or our younger female relatives?

Professor Gillian Reeves is professor of statistical epidemiology and director of the cancer epidemiology unit, Oxford Population Health, at the University of Oxford, and one of the authors of the study. “We knew a lot about combined oral contraceptives, but the pattern of uses have changed so much in the last couple of decades,” she says. “Given that the progestogen-only pill was so commonly used, we really needed to check what the effect this was having on the risk of breast cancer.”

What the research says

All forms of hormonal contraception including the pill, an implant or an intra-uterine device (IUD or coil), were found to raise the risk of breast cancer to some extent. Researchers stressed that the absolute risks were small, with little evidence of much increased risk long after women stop taking the hormones and no excess risk after 10 years.

What does a rise in risk actually mean?

It does not mean that, if you take the pill, you have a 25 per cent risk of breast cancer. Rather, that your risk is increased by 25 per cent of the risk before using the pill – still a modest absolute risk.

“Say the risk was one in a 1000, it is now 1.25 in a 1000,” explains Dr Michael Jones, senior staff scientist in genetics and epidemiology at The Institute of Cancer Research. “Which is still way less than 250 in 1000, or 25 per cent.”

Putting the risk in context, Dr Kotryna Temcinaite, head of research communications at Breast Cancer Now, says: “There are many life choices that contribute to your risk of developing breast cancer, as well as your genes and environment.”

Once you cease taking the pill, the risk starts to decline until after 10 years the heightened risk is completely eliminated.

Is there anyone who should worry in particular?

If you have a family history of breast cancer then you will have a higher level of inbuilt risk.

Age is also a factor. Eight to 10 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women aged 50 and over. However it is unlikely that women over 50 who are more at risk of breast cancer will be on the pill.

For women in their 30s or 40s, the risk will be higher than for teenagers and those in their 20s.

“As we show in the paper, when you look at the absolute excess risk associated with taking these contraceptives it’s going to be bigger for women who are taking them in older ages, because the effect is acting on a group with higher background rates of breast cancer,” says Prof Reeves.

The research showed that women in their late teens, for example, up to 10 years after stopping the pill have an excess risk of eight per 100,000 users.

Should you stop taking hormonal treatments and investigate other options?

The connection between hormonal contraception and breast cancer is not new.

“I suspect that if women were willing to accept those risks in the past in return for the many benefits of taking hormonal contraceptives, they are likely to keep accepting those small additional risks,” says Prof Reeves.

“While we’re seeing the risks of breast cancer are similar to the combined hormonal treatments, we know that they are a lot safer in terms of the risk of thrombosis.” Prof Reeves does not think these findings are a cause for alarm. “These findings confirm that the newer type of pill behaves very similarly to the old ones and women have known about those excess risks for some time.”

Dr Temcinaite adds: “People should make an informed choice about contraceptives and discuss those risks and benefits with a healthcare professional.”

How does this relate to studies about HRT?

The scenario with hormonal contraceptives is very different from what we see for the relationship between HRT and breast cancer risk. This is for two reasons, says Prof Reeves. “Firstly, the increase in risk for HRT users – especially for combined preparations – is actually much bigger. You’re talking about a twofold increase in risk in users of about 10 years duration for combined HRT.”

But, she adds: “The really important thing is that the time when women are taking HRT is in their 50s and 60s, when actually breast cancer is much more common. You’ve got a relative risk of two, acting on a much higher background risk.”

The effects of HRT on breast cancer are much greater than the effects seen from hormonal contraception.

However, it’s worth noting, says Dr Jones: “Studies show that if you stop HRT, then within five years the risks drop back to normal. So it is as if you’d never used it.”

The pill – and coil – still have tremendous benefits

Chiefly, reliable birth control. But hormonal contraception also decreases the risk of some female cancers.

“Taking hormonal contraceptives in the reproductive years actually gives women a substantially reduced risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer,” says Prof Reeves. “That protection seems to persist many years after women stop taking contraception.” The longer you take it for, the bigger the protective effect.

Is there anything we can do to reduce our risk of breast cancer?

“There are many steps that women can take,” says Prof Reeves. “These include limiting the amount of alcohol you drink.”

She adds: “Just one alcoholic drink a day can increase your risk, although you can still develop breast cancer, even if you do not drink.”

Maintaining a healthy weight after the menopause is also important. Women who are overweight or obese after the menopause have a higher level of oestrogen in their bodies, which may encourage the growth of some breast cancers. This is because the hormone is also made by fatty tissue. “We also know that smoking can contribute to the risk of breast cancer,” says Dr Temcinaite.

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