‘It’s a pipe dream.’ How this local couple saved Columbus Corner Bakery from closing

Philip and Kara Morris tend to make big decisions while getting ready in the mornings, at night before bed or cooking for the family.

The family was enjoying a lazy morning on Jan. 3 after the couple had spent the holidays with their three kids during the school break. Kara was rocking their 11-month-old son when a Facebook post grabbed her attention.

The former owners of the Columbus Corner Bakery on Moon Road announced the business was up for sale and would be closing.

Kara already owned and operated a small business called Bliss Bites offering specialty gift foods and desserts. She and Philip knew they needed a retail kitchen to grow Bliss Bites, and Columbus Corner Bakery presented an opportunity.

But there were other considerations.

They have other financial responsibilities, a new baby and other jobs. Kara is self-employed and Philip works in IT.

Nevertheless, Kara conferred with Philip who was still groggy from sleep.

“This is crazy,” she said. “This is ridiculous. It’s a pipe dream.”

She texted one of the former owners, Joseph Dellascio, to ask for details anyway.

When Dellascio called back, Kara put the call on speakerphone as Philip stuck his head out of the shower to listen. After hearing the details, Philip was ready to make a decision.

“We can do this,” he told Kara. “Let’s go for it.”

A couple of days after Columbus Corner Bakery was preparing to close, Kara and Philip made a decision that would keep open the bakery, which has been operating more than 20 years.

Kara and Philip Morris are the new owners of Columbus Corner Bakery in Columbus, Georgia. 01/09/2024
Kara and Philip Morris are the new owners of Columbus Corner Bakery in Columbus, Georgia. 01/09/2024

Maintaining a level of excellence

Kara has lived in Columbus for most of her life. She left for college, but returned to her hometown 10 years later.

Growing up, baking was an activity she shared with her grandfather, Harry Collins. He was the youngest of 11 children and learned to love cooking as he got older.

“When you’re the youngest, you stay with your mom in the kitchen,” Collins told Kara. “All the other big kids go play.”

Kara learned from her grandfather, who worked in a bakery for over 40 years, how baking and cooking food to share with people can enhance experiences.

Columbus Corner Bakery in Columbus, Georgia is continuing to take orders for custom cakes. 01/09/2024
Columbus Corner Bakery in Columbus, Georgia is continuing to take orders for custom cakes. 01/09/2024

Taking ownership of Columbus Corner Bakery, the Morris family understands that customers have high expectations.

“We have had customers call or send emails to connect with me in order to establish a continuing relationship that they’ve had here already,” Kara said.

In order to ensure quality is maintained, they are learning all of the recipes the bakery uses while it is closed during the transition. This includes the recipe for gingerbread men, which are sold year round.

“I honestly didn’t believe (gingerbread men are sold year round) until I started looking into their records and sales,” Philip said. “They legitimately sell enough that it is a viable product 12 months a year.”

One concern Philip and Kara had before deciding to purchase the bakery was finding a cake decorator. While Kara was confident in her baking skills, not so much for decorating.

But former co-owner Martha Stephens Hart offered to stay on to decorate the cakes.

“She’s staying with us,” Philip said. “And the same beautiful great cakes are still getting made.”

Outpouring of community support

Finding out Columbus Corner Bakery was for sale and taking ownership took only about two days at most, Philip said.

He and Kara announced they were the new owners on Facebook on Jan. 7 and immediately began receiving support from the community.

“We have felt so loved and so encouraged,” Kara said. “We know Columbus is rooting for us. We know that people are saying, ‘We believe in you.’”

Columbus Corner Bakery will continue to offer a variety of cakes ready for pickup, as well taking orders for custom cakes. 01/09/2024
Columbus Corner Bakery will continue to offer a variety of cakes ready for pickup, as well taking orders for custom cakes. 01/09/2024

Going forward Philip and Kara hope to build upon the foundations of Columbus Corner Bakery along with their business partner and co-owner Andrew McCrory, who has a marketing business.

They envision opening up a venue that can host tea parties or events like baby showers in the bakery.

“Anything that we change will be just to increase and enhance what we’re already doing,” Kara said.

Although Columbus Corner Bakery’s front counter is closed, they are still taking custom cake orders and have some cakes available to purchase.

A reopening celebration is planned for Jan. 27, Kara said, at which point it should return to normal operations.

“We’ve both echoed this to one another over and over (about) how thankful we are for the support of the community,” Kara said. “We would not have had the courage to do this had we not had an excellent decorator coming with us and the support of customers who have purchased cakes here for the past 20 years.”