Pit bull attack in Jackson leads to owner's arrest. What you should know

A Jackson resident faces assault and aggravated assault charges after her six pit bulls were left unattended to roam the streets and attacked a woman injuring her enough to send her to the hospital, said Sam Brown, public information officer for the Jackson Police Department.

Brown said the dogs' owner, Debra Ann Bell, 56, was behind bars Thursday morning facing multiple charges in connection to the Tuesday attack on Clairmont Street in Jackson that sent Nancy Singleton, 37, to a local hospital, Brown confirmed.

Singleton told WLBT that she spent years calling city leaders about the dogs roaming on Clairmont Street attacking people or other animals.

"It's bitter because it shouldn't have happened," Singleton told WLBT. "It shouldn't have taken someone to fight for their life for something to be done."

Singleton's condition has not been announced.

Jackson's animal control has since confiscated the six adult pit bulls and reportedly euthanized them at the Mississippi Animal Rescue League.

Although the owner of the pit bulls is behind bars, Singelton told WLBT that she still has to overcome her fear of walking down the street.

This article originally appeared on Mississippi Clarion Ledger: Pit bull attacks and injures Jackson, MS, resident; owner arrested