It Would Be a Pity To Remake 'Princess Bride'

We're Gonna Stop You Right There

Anyone who decides to remake "The Princess Bride" should also be prepared to die, because anyone who thinks this is a good idea is just not right.

One Of Those 'Perfect' Movies

Rumors about a remake of the 1987 classic began to swirl on social media on Tuesday, and fans of the beloved romance / comedy / action movie jumped all over it.

But that's understandable: They just want to make sure nothing touches what may very well be a perfect movie.

We Refuse This Remake To Happen

At least one person from the original movie, Cary Elwes, also doesn't think a reboot is the best choice of action.

Elwes' role as Westley is probably his best-known acting gig, and his tweet supporting the preservation of "The Princess Bride" included a play on some of his lines.

Jamie Lee Curtis Has Some Clout Here

Jamie Lee Curtis also contributed to the debate. Why is she relevant to this conversation? She married that guy with the six fingers, Count Rugen (Christopher Guest.)

"Oh really? Well, I married the six fingered man, obviously why we have stayed together for 35 years and there is only ONE The Princess Bride and it’s William Goldman and @robreiner’s. 'Life is pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something!' " she wrote.