Please keep daily sports scores in the sports section

Keep ‘The Scoreboard’ in the sports section

Thank you for not following other newspapers who have changed their sports sections to "sports magazines." Please continue to print local stories, “The Scoreboard” and "Today's TV listings.”

Without the Scoreboard, we would have to go to several websites to see the results of so many games. We would miss a lot of events if you eliminated the TV listings. Everything in one place is so helpful.

May I suggest that next season, you include Palm Springs Power baseball games in the "Next 5" column?

Colleen Pascale, Palm Springs

In response to ‘Meritocracy is what counts’

Reader Tony Ward writes in a letter to the editor that, “The Supreme Court got it right! First: Roe v. Wade – back to the states where it belongs.”

Human rights are not allocated state by state. All individuals within our borders and jurisdiction have certain inalienable rights that are not subject to individual states' evaluations or biases. The agency to decide what is done to and with your body is one of those, whether it's the ability to accept or reject medical treatment, or the ability to decide when and whether to have children.

If you don't approve of abortion, don't have one. But don't presume to tell someone else that their body is not their own.

Anita Rufus, Palm Desert

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Please keep daily sports scores in the sports section