Pledge of Allegiance hijacking, callouts and chaos: Awkward moments at Shasta candidate forums

One of the floats in the Redding Rodeo Parade on Saturday, May 21, 2022, was one with candidates backed by the Liberty Committee of Shasta County, which has received major funding from Reverge Anselmo. The float displayed signs for District 1 supervisor candidate Kevin Crye, Shasta County clerk candidate Bob Holsinger,  District 5 supervisor candidate Chris Kelstrom, superintendent of schools candidate Bryan Caples and Shasta County sheriff candidate John Greene. District attorney candidate Erik Jensen rode in a car during the parade.

There have been some strange and awkward moments this election season.

Spurred by a cast of candidates who call themselves the "non-establishment," public forums have at times veered from the routine get-to-know the person into political theater — and in one case — chaos, as the moderator attempted to regain control of the situation.

Here is a recap of the most noteworthy moments:

Shasta County superintendent of schools race

The League of Women Voters' forum for superintendent of schools on May 3 had an odd start.

Candidate Bryan Caples took over the forum, insisting that he be allowed to stand and then leading confused audience members in the Pledge of Allegiance as the moderator appealed to him to respect the event's ground rules.

Bryan Caples is challenging incumbent Judy Flores for Shasta County superintendent of schools.
Bryan Caples is challenging incumbent Judy Flores for Shasta County superintendent of schools.

Incumbent Judy Flores, whom Caples is challenging, initially stood to pledge but returned to her seat as the moderator attempted to regain control of the room. Soon after the event, a TikTok video of the forum began circulating, along with the claim that Flores would not stand for the pledge.

California primary FAQs: How to vote in Shasta County on Election Day, June 7

In the same forum, Caples went off on a tangent during his closing remarks. He referenced the Native American "population" when talking about a need to do better for children — apparently in community schools — so wives won't face a danger of being mugged while going out at night to buy milk.

Here's what Caples said:

"My opponent talked about the Native American population. She talked about the juvenile, the court and the community schools. We need to do better for these kids. These are the kids, these are the reasons why in our communities that we don't want our wives going out to get milk at 8 o'clock at night because they might get mugged or they might get hurt.

"We want to make sure that we give these kids what they need — the most vulnerable of our children — which is who the county office of education serves. We need to make sure those kids get exactly what they need so that when they grow up, they're productive and responsible citizens in our community," Caples told the audience.

To watch the candidate forum, go to

Shasta County District 1 supervisor race

About 30 minutes into a Shasta County District 1 supervisor forum in April, the debate took an unexpected turn after candidate Kevin Crye mentioned he had recently gone on a ride-along with the Redding Police Department.

Shasta County District 1 supervisor candidate Kevin Crye
Shasta County District 1 supervisor candidate Kevin Crye

The candidates were talking about crime and justice when Crye brought up that he had witnessed during his ride-along officers arresting a man who had been in and out of jail for years.

Crye rode with police the same day officers arrested Brent Ray Close on suspicion of murder for the fatal stabbing of a Taco Bell employee in downtown Redding. Officers made the arrest in a homeless encampment where Close lived near Redding Memorial Park.

Shasta County elections: Meet the candidates competing in 8 contested races

Crye also was interviewed on local TV about the arrest later that day.

At the forum, candidate Erin Resner said she was happy Crye brought up his ride-along, then proceeded to scold him for allegedly jeopardizing the investigation after Close’s arrest.

Shasta County District 1 supervisor candidate Erin Resner
Shasta County District 1 supervisor candidate Erin Resner

“I think that it is extremely important for the general public to understand that you compromised a criminal investigation of a man that RPD spent hours with, and you continued to do that by posting online,” Resner said, adding that this is a reason Crye wasn’t qualified to be a supervisor.

Crye countered, “There is no jeopardizing a criminal investigation, as I’ve talked with Chief (Bill) Schueller multiple times over the process. ..."

In a statement emailed to the Record Searchlight, Schueller confirmed that Crye was on a police ride-along the day Close was arrested.

“Mr. Crye was interviewed by a news station later that day which aired on the evening news. In that interview Mr. Crye gave a personal opinion as to the suspect’s mental health status. The next day, I contacted Mr. Crye and requested he not comment on the incident or express opinions as to the mental health of the suspect as this was an ongoing criminal investigation. He agreed and subsequently canceled a second news interview for later that day,” Schueller said.

Read more: What's making candidates run for Shasta County seats in 2022?

Meanwhile, the District 1 race is down to two people as Kymberly Vollmers has dropped out and is endorsing Resner.

Vollmers decided to get out of the race because she said she didn’t realize how expensive it is to run a campaign.

In supporting Resner, Vollmers touted Resner’s leadership skills as a member of the Redding City Council and her work in making the city better.

“Though I can’t remove my name from the ballot, I feel confident that you will serve the people who support me with the same commitment that I intended to,” Vollmers said in an email to the Record Searchlight.

Shasta County District 5 supervisor race

Typically, opening remarks at forums or debates will feature candidates introducing themselves with a brief biography followed by why they decided to run for office.

But during the Shasta County Republican Central Committee forum in late April, Chris Kelstrom used his opening remarks to criticize the committee before walking off the stage, leaving some in the crowd and the other candidates wondering what just happened.

Shasta County District 5 candidate Chris Kelstrom
Shasta County District 5 candidate Chris Kelstrom

Kelstrom is running for Shasta County District 5 supervisor, a seat held by Les Baugh, who decided last summer not to seek a fifth term.

He opened by saying: “I want to thank everybody for being here, and for those of you on the Republican central committee that support me, I apologize, and I appreciate your support. I hope I don’t lose it. But I gotta tell a story here first.”

Read more: Anselmo, Liberty Committee benefactor, says women generally unfit for elected office

Kelstrom proceeded to say he was the auctioneer for the local GOP dinner two years ago and he was told he would do it every year going forward.

But then Kelstrom suggested that because he is a candidate for District 5 and an “anti-establishment candidate” he was snubbed this year and not asked to lead the auction. He claimed one member of the committee quit over the prospect of him auctioneering and over District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones, who has said he supports Kelstrom, supplying the guns for auction items.

The decision was made at the dinner not to introduce candidates at the dinner, only elected officials, Kelstrom said.

Kelstrom said every elected official was introduced except for Jones, who was sitting at Kelstrom’s table. Kelstrom added that Jones noted District 2 Supervisor Tim Garman was in attendance and his name also was not mentioned.

“So, our entire group of anti-establishment candidates have become friends,” Kelstrom said. “We as an entire group decided not to participate in these things.”

Kelstrom finished by calling the local Republican central committee "irrelevant" and that it would remain irrelevant if it didn't change its leadership. He then thanked again those who support him, handed the microphone to District 5 candidate Baron Browning and left the stage.

Rounding out the list of other candidates in the race are Frank LoBue, Alex Madrigal and Colt Roberts.

Shasta County district attorney race

The Shasta County district attorney's race pits incumbent Stephanie Bridgett, left, against challenger Erik Jensen. Both spoke Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at a candidates forum hosted by Redding Republican Women Federated at the Gold Hills Golf Club.
The Shasta County district attorney's race pits incumbent Stephanie Bridgett, left, against challenger Erik Jensen. Both spoke Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at a candidates forum hosted by Redding Republican Women Federated at the Gold Hills Golf Club.

The two candidates for district attorney — incumbent Stephanie Bridgett and challenger Erik Jensen — addressed a packed room on April 21 during a forum sponsored by the Shasta County GOP.

The first question posed by the moderator was, “What is your conviction rate?”

Bridgett began by questioning the importance of that statistic.

"A dismissal," Bridgett said, "can be justice in one case where a prison sentence is justice in another. I'm never going to tell my prosecutors to go to trial with the idea that they have to get a conviction. They're going for what is justice."

She went on to say that because of much discussion in the community about the issue, her office did calculate the DA's conviction rate for 2021 and found it to be 92% overall. Her statement drew loud applause.

When his time came to address the conviction rate issue, Jensen asked his own questions: "First of all, it might be a little bit out of order — can the employees of Miss Bridgett please stand up? Are you willing to do that?”

As the crowd murmured, he went on to say that many of the DA's employees were in the audience.

At that point, loud, overlapping voices cut Jensen off. Some people could be heard shouting out, "You're not answering the question. Answer the question; answer the question."

Jensen started to say he was "a little confused by Miss Bridgett's answer," but someone in the audience interrupted, saying, "I'm sure you are." That was followed by a different person saying, "Shut the f--- up," apparently addressing the previous audience member.

The crowd again devolved.

After a few seconds, Jensen leapt back into his statement, noting that Bridgett had started off by saying she wasn't concerned about the DA office's conviction rate, but ended by noting "the wonderful conviction rate that she claims to have."

Jensen called Bridgett's answer on the topic "incredibly deceptive" as he'd tabulated the department's conviction rate at trial — rather than overall — to be 45%.

Dig deeper: Shasta County DA race has 20-year DA challenged by first-time 'non-establishment' candidate

As his supporters applauded, Jensen pledged that statistics such as trial conviction rates would be made available to the public if he won the election.

Right after that, the event moderator asked Jensen whether he had a conviction rate. Jensen replied: “I have convictions, but not a conviction rate.”

An audience member then chastised the moderator, saying she shouldn't have asked that question. That was followed by several more minutes of loud conversations in the audience before the moderator eventually moved forward to the next question.

Shasta County clerk and sheriff's races

Susan Wilson, who has been the moderator of several League of Women Voters forums this year, said she was surprised that Caples, who is running for Shasta County superintendent of schools, stood up during the forum to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wilson asked Caples not to, but he proceeded anyway, she said.

Shasta County clerk candidate Bob Holsinger
Shasta County clerk candidate Bob Holsinger

So as she was leaving the superintendent of schools forum, she saw Bob Holsinger, who is challenging Cathy Darling Allen for county clerk/registrar of voters, and asked him if he planned to attend the forum for county clerk.

He said he planned to attend and he told her he wanted to say the pledge, Wilson said. They worked it out so he would lead the Pledge of Allegiance as part of his opening statement to the forum.

“And he said, ‘Fine. So it went tidily,'” Wilson said.

Pledge 'came out of nowhere': Odd start to Shasta schools superintendent candidate forum

Wilson said before a sheriff’s office forum earlier in May she asked the two candidates, Michael Johnson and John Greene, if they intended to say the pledge during the forum.

Neither indicated they did, but as the forum wrapped up, Johnson asked to do the pledge. Wilson obliged, someone fetched a flag from a closet in the Redding Library Community Room and the candidates and others attending recited the pledge.

David Benda, Mike Chapman, Michele Chandler and Damon Arthur are part of a team of dedicated Record Searchlight journalists whose work centers on local issues, including business, government, housing, land development, public safety and politics, and coverage of breaking news. They also bring inspiring, feel-good news stories and multimedia content from around the North State. Visit the staff directory to contact them. To support and sustain their work, please subscribe today!

This article originally appeared on Redding Record Searchlight: The top awkward moments at Shasta County's candidate forums