POETRY: American colors


The mail is still silent

The flag is still flown

But red, white and blue

Are not all colors shown

There’s pink

And there’s orange

There’s PRIDE

And there’s gay

There’s Black

Yellow, Ivory

We must find a way

To bring us together

In our blessed USA

So, Happy Independence Day!




We get so emotional when death comes to

our door, we may even question

“Does God love me any more?”

Then I remember in the Bible, this verse comes

to me, “To be absent from the body

is to be present with the lord”

“For all eternity”

The Lord gives us a short time on this earth,

to live our lives, to choose right from

wrong, to see what has real worth.

Take each moment that God gives, to

choose the path you take, that will

be pleasing to our Lord, and when

death comes, with him you will awake.

Cherish each day you live, and live

it for the Lord, for it will change your

fate, love Him, trust Him, as you live

each day, it never is too late.


Winter Haven


Such silliness I see in that old pair

Walking hand in hand down the groc’ry aisle.

Both must be in their eighties, all that gray;

And their clothes are two decades out of style.

He’s so feeble that he can hardly walk.

She can’t see beyond the end of her nose.

Neither of them can hear the other talk.

They stare at shelves. What to buy? Neither knows.

They’re like cartoon characters gone awry,

Bumbling here, stumbling there. Yet, both have smiles.

Seeing them, should I laugh or should I cry?

Neither, of course, for whatever their trials,

They show the only thing worth speaking of -

The pure silliness of being in love.



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This article originally appeared on The Ledger: Locally written poetry