Pokémon Center Teams Up with Karimoku to Offer Furniture and Decor

If you’re obsessed with all things Pokémon, here’s your chance to deck out your home in some adorable themed furniture and decor items. The Pokémon Center in Japan collaborated with furniture company Karimoku on a new collection full of surprisingly elevated items that are now available at the official Pokémon Center and Amazon Japan. These Pikachu couches, Snorlax rugs, Eevee sheet, and more aren’t just for kids, either. Some of them are nice enough to blend into just about any living room, and you wouldn’t guess they’re Pokémon-related unless you’re in the know (or get up close enough to spot a tiny cartoon face).

Adorable high-quality pieces from the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's collaborative new themed furniture collection.
Adorable high-quality pieces from the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's collaborative new themed furniture collection.
Pikachu two-seater sofa and Snorlax rug featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's collaborative new themed furniture collection.
Pikachu two-seater sofa and Snorlax rug featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's collaborative new themed furniture collection.

The Pikachu two-seater sofa (199,100 yen, or about $1,755 USD) and chair (154,000 yen, or about $1,358 USD) are two major standout items. Featuring wooden frames in a simple midcentury modern style, this seating offers cushions upholstered in what looks like a conventional pattern from afar. Even better, they pair perfectly with the Pokéball side table (111,100 yen or about $980 USD), which has a similarly subtle design (relatively speaking, at least).

High-quality Pokéball side table featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.
High-quality Pokéball side table featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.
Adorable Snorlax rug featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.
Adorable Snorlax rug featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.
Several themed Pokémon rugs available through the Pokémon Center Japan and Karimoku's new collection.
Several themed Pokémon rugs available through the Pokémon Center Japan and Karimoku's new collection.

The cutest piece of all has got to be this Snorlax rug (44,000 yen, or about $388 USD), depicting the wild creature snoring away as always, with its two little fangs sticking out. Four other available rugs include a Gengar ghost pattern, Eevee, Ditto, and a Partner group of Venusaur, Charmander and Squirtle, all for 9,350 yen (about $82).

Starter Pokémon bed linens featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.
Starter Pokémon bed linens featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.
Blackout curtains featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.
Blackout curtains featured in the Pokémon Center and Karimoku's new themed furniture collection.

The Pokémon themed bed linens are also available in two sizes: twin (4,950 yen or $44 USD) and double (10,450 yen or $92 USD). Prints include a blue Ghost pattern, Pikachu, Eevee, and Partner Pokémon. You can also get pillowcases and blackout curtains to match each one.

If the prices seem a little high, that’s because furniture in Japan tends to be more expensive than it is elsewhere in the world, and Karimoku is a leading manufacturer of high-quality items. It’s unclear whether either the Pokémon Center or Amazon Japan will ship items from this Pokémon collection overseas, so if you’re intent on getting your hands on some of these pieces, you might have to get a little creative to import them.

A simple bedroom adorned with ghost Pokémon-themed bed linens, curtains, and rug.
A simple bedroom adorned with ghost Pokémon-themed bed linens, curtains, and rug.

While these particular pieces are pretty unique, there’s no shortage of Pokémon-themed decor on sites that do ship to the United States and elsewhere outside Japan. At the American Pokémon Center website, items for the home include a giant 45-inch tall Ditto bean bag chair, some equally cute abstracted Pokémon graphic rugs and throw pillows, a Snorlax wall light box, and many more themed objects like pool floats, string lights, pot holders, and mugs. And don’t forget to cruise Etsy for handmade versions from small creators all over the world, including an enormous plush Snorlax, a Pokécube lamp, Mewtwo furniture pulls, and a neon Bulbasaur sign, just to name a few.

PokemonCenter-Online.com is the official online store for authorized Pokémon merchandise, including an authentic collection of plushies, clothing, home goods, and accessories. It launched in Japan in 1996 and has more than a dozen physical retail locations throughout the country.

The post Pokémon Center Teams Up with Karimoku to Offer Furniture and Decor first appeared on Dornob.