Poland continues to check whether missile elements fell on its territory

Polish flag
Photo: Robert Neumann / Forum

Poland will search on Saturday, 30 December in the Lublin Voivodeship of Poland near the border with Ukraine for possible elements of a missile that violated Polish airspace during a Russian large-scale missile attack on Ukrainian cities on 29 December.

Source: Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces, cited by European Pravda

Details: Ground searches will be carried out in the Lublin Voivodeship on 30 December for "possible elements of the target" that violated Polish airspace during Russia's air attack on Ukrainian cities on the morning of 29 December.


Approximate location of violation of Polish airspace

Graph: RMF FM

The operation will involve about 480 members of the 2nd Lublin Territorial Defence Brigade and the 19th Nadbużańska Territorial Defence Brigade.

"The purpose of the search is to finally confirm that no elements of the target remain on Polish territory. The soldiers will be searching southeast of [the city of] Zamość," Operational Command stated.


  • On Friday, 29 December, Poland's General Staff stated that a Russian missile had violated the country's airspace. The Polish military found that the missile flew 40 kilometres into Poland and returned to Ukraine three minutes later.

  • After that, the Russian Chargé d'Affaires was summoned to the Polish Foreign Ministry to give an explanation for the incident.

  • A Russian diplomat said Moscow was not going to give an explanation for the Russian missile in Polish airspace until provided with "hard evidence".

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