Police were asked to remove teen from metro neighborhood. What happened next will melt your heart

Police were asked to remove teen from metro neighborhood. What happened next will melt your heart

Good policing oftentimes goes beyond just responding to crime.

Police were recently called out to a Hapeville neighborhood after someone complained that a teen needed to be removed from the area.

When Hapeville Police Office Colleran pulled up, he found a young man who told him that he was trying to find people who needed yard work done – like pulling weeds, cutting grass and trimming hedges – to save up enough money to buy a new PlayStation.


“The young man was polite, respectful and truthful. Officer Colleran, a gamer himself, was impressed with the young man and thought he would help him reach his goal,” Hapeville police said in a post on Facebook.

Colleran and some of his friends pooled their funds and bought not only the gaming system for the teen but also a gift card to pay for a membership so he could start playing it right away.

“Officer Colleran made sure that this young man knew they would play on the same team online soon,” the department’s Facebook post said.