New policy would set up special school days

May 10—Unseasonably warm weather is for the birds, and now the birds, along with a variety of others, could get a whole school day dedicated to their honor.

The St. Joseph Board of Education Policy Committee took up this matter Wednesday at its monthly meeting, reviewing a number of changes that are encouraged for voluntary adoption by the Missouri School Boards Association. Among these is the proposed ceremonies and observances policy, which designates March 21 each year as Bird Appreciation Day, as an example of one among many. Patriots Day is April 19, Emergency Services Day is Sept. 11.

"Observing these special days will look differently at our three levels," said Assistant Superintendent Ashly McGinnis, referring to elementary, middle, and high school education. "It could be a lecture and discussion, a lesson with a video, a speaker, (and similar things). We will tailor the instruction to make it an appropriate and effective lesson for each particular grade level."

Contained within the more celebratory events on the new calendar, April 19 as Patriots Day, for example, are educational observations of important events in the past. Holocaust Education Week is envisioned for the second week of April. The history of the Nazi genocide of Jews and other minority peoples during World War II is to be reviewed in appropriate classroom settings during this time, and the way the district will go about this prompted discussion Wednesday.

In her own past as a teacher, school board member Kim Miller said, it was not uncommon for students to declare that they either had no knowledge of the Holocaust, or in some cases, that they doubt it ever occurred. Special events do have the opportunity to change perspectives, Miller said.

"Sometimes, we forget our heritage," Miller said. "On things of the past, we may overlook them because we weren't involved in them, and the generation that lived them will soon be gone. So it's nice that our kids are reminded of those times in our history that, even though brutal, they changed the world."

The full Board of Education will ratify all of the new policies heard Wednesday, or have the opportunity to alter them, during its 5:30 p.m. May 22 monthly meeting at 3401 Renick St.

Marcus Clem can be reached at Follow him on Twitter: @NPNowClem