New polio vaccine that targets mutated virus is safe and effective, research shows

A health worker administers polio vaccine to a girl in Karachi, Pakistan  - KM Chaudary/AP
A health worker administers polio vaccine to a girl in Karachi, Pakistan - KM Chaudary/AP

A new type of  polio vaccine developed to stop outbreaks of the disease caused by mutations in the existing immunisation is safe and generates a good immune response, research in the Lancet has shown.

The rapid rise of so-called vaccine-derived polio outbreaks has become an alarming problem for the decades-long campaign to eradicate the disease.

This year Afghanistan and Pakistan, the last countries in the world to see outbreaks of wild polio virus, have so far between them seen 138 cases of wild virus and 264 cases of the vaccine-derived form. And Africa, which was declared free of the wild form of the disease earlier this year, has reported more than 400 cases of the vaccine-derived form of the disease.

The nOPV2 vaccine has been developed to stop these outbreaks and has already received an emergency use authorisation from the World Health Organization.

Now, phase 2 trials of the new vaccine in 1,200 adults and children showed that the immunisation is safe and generates a good immune response.

Lead author of the study in adults, Professor Pierre Van Damme from the University of Antwerp, said: “Millions of people potentially have no immunity to the spread of vaccine-derived virus, which is caused when the weakened live virus in oral polio vaccines mutates and regains its ability to become infectious, cause disease, and spread in communities with low vaccination rates.

"The nOPV2 vaccine appears at least as safe and effective as the [original] vaccine and genetically more stable, and could be a key breakthrough towards a polio-free world.”

The new vaccine has been in development for 10 years to specifically target the problem and could be in use by early 2021.

Polio drops contain a weakened form of the virus that does not cause paralysis, but replicates in the gut and provokes the body to build up immunity.

The weakened virus can also pass via poor sanitation to other children who have not been vaccinated, where it can help build up their immunity too. However, in areas where large numbers of people have not been vaccinated, the weakened virus can pick up mutations as it continues to replicate and eventually change back to a harmful form.

The new vaccine has been genetically modified to make it more stable and less likely to mutate. It has undergone three years of trials and testing and was granted emergency approval from the WHO last month. If approval is given, The first use in the field could be early next year, in countries where health officials can prove they will be able to adequately monitor its effects.

While the 30-year campaign has seen remarkable success and pushed polio to the brink of extinction, the vaccine-derived cases have added to a difficult recent period for the global push.

This year has been a particularly bad year for eradication efforts. The World Health Organization estimates that disruption to health services caused by the coronavirus pandemic has meant 80 million children under one have missed critical vaccines for diseases such as measles, diphtheria and polio.

And new outbreaks of vaccine-derived polio have been detected in  Yemen, Sudan and South Sudan.

In a statement the Global Polio Eradication Initiative said it was working with countries to decide when to begin campaigns with the new vaccine.

"Ultimately, no vaccine can protect a child sitting in a vial. The success of nOPV2 and any polio vaccine depends on high-quality immunisation campaigns and strong disease surveillance in order to ensure that every child is reached."

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