Political extremists have taken over at expense of moderates | Opinion

When he accepted the Republican Party’s nomination for president at the GOP convention in 1964, the late Sen. Barry Goldwater famously said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

His words did not resonate with the American people at the time, as he lost the election in a landslide to Lyndon Johnson. But nearly 60 years later, his words now seem prophetic. Politics and public life these days are dominated by extremists, while moderates are rejected.

Politics was once called “the art of the possible” as representatives from both major political parties often sought to work together to find common ground in addressing the nation’s issues. But extreme voices in both parties now control leadership positions, and compromise has become a dirty word.

The United States Congress has become like the British House of Commons, with deep ideological divisions between conservatives and liberals, the latter now called progressives.

MSNBC TV news program host and liberal political commentator Rachel Maddow and conservative political commentator and media host Ben Shapiro were among two public figures who commented on the Tennessee Health Department's decision to roll back on vaccination outreach for minors.
MSNBC TV news program host and liberal political commentator Rachel Maddow and conservative political commentator and media host Ben Shapiro were among two public figures who commented on the Tennessee Health Department's decision to roll back on vaccination outreach for minors.

As a result, our public life has become dysfunctional, as our elected representatives can’t find solutions to problems. They don’t even try. They posture and make speeches and tweets vilifying the other side. And other than getting reelected, they accomplish nothing.

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Bill Haltom
Bill Haltom

The irony is that according to public opinion surveys, most Americans are moderates who reject extremist views. Evidence of this is found in our beliefs on two of the most significant issues of our times — abortion and guns.

In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision reversing Roe v. Wade, public opinion polls show most Americans believe that abortion should be legal but subject to restrictions. In the words of a former president, most Americans believe abortion should be safe, legal and rare.

In the face of an epidemic of mass shootings, the opinion surveys show that most Americans believe in the Second Amendment and the right of law-abiding Americans to own a firearm. But they also believe that assault weapons should be banned and any citizen seeking to own a gun should be subject to a background check in an effort to limit gun ownership to law-abiding, mentally and emotionally stable people.

But the moderate views of most Americans on these crucial issues and many others are not reflected in the positions taken by our elected representatives. Conservative officeholders say abortion should be banned with no exceptions, even in situations where a woman has become impregnated by rape or incest. Many progressive officeholders favor abortion on demand even in late in pregnancy.

Members of Congress have become more linguistically polarized over time.
Members of Congress have become more linguistically polarized over time.

On guns, Congress and state legislatures cannot agree to any moderate efforts to protect gun ownership while promoting public safety.

So why are the beliefs and opinions of moderate Americans not being reflected in our shared public life?

Sadly, the answer is that over the decades since Goldwater issued his prophetic statement, our politicians have taken steps to, in effect, give them tenure in public office. Through gerrymandering, they have structured representatives’ districts so only one side wins. Thus anyone running for Congress or the state legislature with moderate views or, Lord forbid, promising to work with the other side through compromise and conciliation is headed for defeat.

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Your typical congressional representative or state legislator’s bigger fear these days is being primaried and losing reelection because they committed the unpardonable political sin of working with the other side.

So the extremists now run our country, while we moderates are unrepresented, even though we may be in the majority of Americans.

As the political map of America is now drawn, I am not sure what the solution is to our dysfunctional shared public life. But as a raging moderate, I intend to start asking politicians not what their opinions are, but rather if and how they will work with the other side if they are elected.

Bill Haltom is a writer who resides in Memphis and Monteagle. 

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Political extremists have taken over at expense of moderates