Political signs in saltmarshes and a defense of Cajun cuisine: Letters

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Candidates, please keep your signs off our marshes, state parks and traffic islands

Aug. 20 — To the Editor:

I love to see the enthusiasm of the state primary candidates and their volunteers. It's wonderful to have so much participation in our election!  What I don’t like seeing is campaign signs marring our marshes, state parks and traffic islands.

Per state law (RSA 664:17), all political advertising signs are allowed along roadways only with the consent of the owner. I have little doubt New Hampshire State Parks, Rye Conservation Commission, SELT and our local municipalities have not consented to the myriad of signs cluttering our roadways. Signs are ending up in the marshes, stuck in vegetation and generally littering our beautiful seacoast. Please, all want-to-be-lawmakers, follow the law and remove all signs placed on our public lands.

Patricia Weathersby


Political signs in Rye marshlands.
Political signs in Rye marshlands.

There is a real culture behind gumbo and Cajun cuisine, which deserves to be remembered

Aug. 20 — To the Editor:

In the days of objections to cultural appropriation, I wanted to give my perspective on this sensitive issue. As a Cajun, born and raised in Louisiana, I’m often struck by the limited knowledge folks have on the ethnic cleansing that drove my ancestors to Louisiana and New England, as well as the forced assimilation experienced by my grandfather and his generation. In particular, most New Englanders have long forgotten about the death, indentured servitude, and travel restrictions forced upon the Acadians when they were shipped to New England by the British.

Seeing the new restaurant in Portsmouth, Sol, I was drawn to the menu, which offers samples of the food the Cajuns are known for. Outside of Louisiana, our cuisine may be the only thought people give to our ethnic group. In lieu of criticism for cultural appropriation, I hope that people remember that there is a real culture behind this cuisine. A culture struggling to survive. I hope that people think about the history that this culture came from. And if a bowl of gumbo is a vehicle for keeping that history alive, then so be it.

Joshua Cormier

Kittery, Maine

More: Sol Southern Kitchen & Lounge opens in Portsmouth

I'm disappointed to learn Gov. Sununu is supporting Maine's Paul LePage

Aug. 20 — To the Editor:

I was very disappointed to hear that Gov. Chris Sununu is supporting Paul LePage for governor in Maine. It wasn’t so long ago that LePage decried having Black men visit Maine and “impregnate white girls.”

Given the recent activity of white supremacists in southern Maine, as well as here in New Hampshire, I would think Sununu would be careful of endorsing someone with such a long history of racist comments. Is that his vision for our state?

He should be asked why he is supporting someone so out of step with New Hampshire’s values.

Laura Rundell


Send your letters to the editor: Email opinion@seacoastonline.com

I strongly support Dr. Luz Bay for Strafford District 21 state representative seat

Aug. 21 — To the Editor:

I’m writing this to strongly encourage all Stratford County District 21 residents and voters to cast their votes for Dr. Luz Bay for New Hampshire House of Representatives. As a psychologist and a long-term resident of New Hampshire, I have known Luz for over 20 years.  As such, I feel I can attest to her longstanding integrity and fitness for office.

At a time in our political climate when personal fortitude, ethics, and honesty are sadly in such short supply, we are extremely fortunate to have a candidate like Luz to vote for and represent us.  One need only look at her life choices and experiences to recognize what a truly exceptional person Luz is, and what a stellar representative she will be. Due to her deep-seated belief in quality education for all, Luz earned her doctorate in educational measurement and statistics.  A field dedicated to ensuring the quality of educational tests administered to our children every day across the nation.  She and her husband Mike, who works in the same discipline, have two lovely children born and raised in Dover.  Active in their local church, Luz has always encouraged her children to be community oriented.  But, that’s not the whole story by far.

Early in our friendship, I learned Luz was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her optimistic approach to such a scary illness was exemplified by her choosing to have a “head shaving party” when she began to lose her hair due to chemo. In the time since, Luz has survived not one but two more bouts with cancer.  When a local reporter once asked, “Do you ever ask yourself why me?” Luz’s response was, “Why not me?”  Typical Luz. She explained cancer had shown her the fragility of life, and just how much more she wanted to accomplish.  She still had work to do, and chose not to dwell on negative thoughts.  Indeed, she bravely fought the cancer, and raised her two young children while working full-time throughout.

All the while, Luz has been a very active member of the Democratic Party.  Over the years, she has tirelessly worked on more local and national campaigns than I can count. Unbelievably, Luz has also managed to run and earn numerous medals in both national and international marathons.  Those who know her frequently joke about where she hides her “super hero cape.”

Now, with both of her children college-bound one would assume that Luz would want time to rest, indulge herself, and enjoy the fruits of her labor.  But rather, Luz’s experiences have granted her a unique life perspective, that is the importance of thinking beyond the self, never giving up, and embracing the richness of giving to your community while working to achieve goals that actually make the world a better place. She’s running for office now because she’s needed.

These are truly frightening times where politicians on both national and local levels are putting their personal and political agendas ahead of their oaths to uphold the Constitution. Indeed, a time I never thought would happen in our country where we learn on almost a daily basis how these officeholders engage in nefarious activities to undermine our very democracy, and render our votes useless. There has never been a time in modern history where our choices for State Representatives have become so crucial. These times call for a genuine hero.  Luckily, we have one in Dr. Luz Bay.

Dr. Grace Cillo


Were divisions and violence part of making America great again?

Aug. 20 — To the Editor:

“Let’s make America great again” was the promise. And what did we get? Riots, division, shootings, protests.

What will the future hold? I guess it all depends?

Is the USA going to uphold its Constitutional values? Will the leaders in Congress, industry and the press, emphasize positive events, rather than repeating partisan attacks?

In short ,will the country return to the behavior and values which made the USA a world leader? The leaders must lead and show us the way!

The citizens must take note and turn the country around.

It's up to us, you and me!

David Lincoln

York, Maine

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: NH candidates, please keep campaign signs off public lands: Letters