Politics latest news: Jeremy Corbyn will 'strongly contest' suspension from Labour party after bombshell anti-Semitism report

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Jeremy Corbyn has said he will "strongly contest" his suspension from the Labour Party for his response to a report on anti-Semitism in the party during his leadership.

Mr Corbyn was suspended after he said concerns about anti-Semitism in Labour had been "dramatically overstated for political reasons" - a comment he refused to retract.

Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, said the findings of an excoriating new report by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission mark a "day of shame" for the party and promised to implement its findings in full.

He added members who "think there is no problem with anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, that it's all exaggerated, and it's a factional attack" are "part of the problem too".

Mr Corbyn's comments suggesting the problem had been exaggerated led to his suspension from the party on Thursday lunchtime.

In a tweet, Mr Corbyn described his suspension as a "political intervention" and said he would "strongly contest" it.

"I’ve made absolutely clear those who deny there has been an antisemitism problem in the Labour Party are wrong," he said.

He later urged his supporters to stay in the party to fight for left-wing values.

A Labour spokesman said: "In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation. He has also had the whip removed from the Parliamentary Labour Party.”

Follow the latest updates below.

05:00 PM

Corbyn urges supporters: Stay in the party and fight for left-wing values

Jeremy Corbyn has urged his Labour supporters to "stay in the party" to fight for left-wing principles following the decision to suspend him.

In a broadcast interview in Islington following the removal of the whip, Mr Corbyn called for calm and for members to "make the case" for left-wing values internally.

"Quite clearly the decision was made in a very quick way and I would just say, hang on a minute, let's all keep a bit calm, let's think again about this whole issue," he said.

"Our party comes together to fight racism and injustice but we also come together to bring about economic justice for the people of this country,"

"That is what unites our movement and our party and that is what I appeal to members to focus on.

"Don't go away, don't leave the party. Stay in the party and argue the case for economic and social justice in our society."

The Islington North MP refused to retract his earlier statements, saying the "public perception" about how many members were under investigation for anti-Semitism was "very different" to the reality.

04:23 PM

VIDEO: Keir Starmer has the 'right stuff' to become Prime Minister - Tom Harris

04:13 PM

Post-Brexit trade deal with Canada will be 'straitforward' - Trudeau

Canada promised a post-Brexit trade deal with Britain would be easy to agree yesterday, as Brussels said UK-EU negotiations had entered a “critical” phase. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau predicted that a rollover deal with Britain to replace the EU-Canada trade agreement after Brexit will be “straightforward". The president of the European Commission said talks had boiled down to fisheries and the level playing field guarantees. 

04:01 PM

Sir Keir Starmer 'disappointed' in Corbyn statement

Sir Keir Starmer has said he is "disappointed" in Jeremy Corbyn's statement this afternoon.

03:52 PM

And now for something completely different

In other news, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has said there are two "critical issues" in the Brexit negotiations.

And they are the same two that have been holding up talks for the last couple of months.

A deal on fisheries and rules governing state subsidies are the two most important issues, she said on Thursday following a video conference with Canada's prime minister.

"We are making good progress but the two critical issues, level playing field and fisheries, there we would like to see more progress," Von der Leyen told a news conference.

"We are now deep into how we would construct a system that is fair for both sides ... which is a sine qua non for the UK to have access to the single market that is tariff free and quota free," she said.

03:32 PM

Civil war latest: We're not going anywhere, says Momentum

Momentum, the socialist campaign group that supported Jeremy Corbyn for leader of the Labour Party, said they are "not going anywhere" and will fight for their man.

Meanwhile, Andrew Scattergood, co-chairman of Momentum, said the suspension of the former leader was a "massive attack on the left".

02:59 PM

Corbyn doubles down on 'exaggeration' comments

Jeremy Corbyn has just released a further statement doubling down on his assertion that the scale of the anti-Semitism problem in the Labour Party has been overstated.

I will strongly contest the political intervention to suspend me. I’ve made absolutely clear that those who deny there...

Posted by Jeremy Corbyn on  Thursday, 29 October 2020

"It’s also undeniable that a false impression has been created of the number of members accused of antisemitism, as polling shows: that is what has been overstated, not the seriousness of the problem," he said.

"I will continue to support a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of racism. And I urge all members to stay calm and focused - while this problem is resolved amicably, as I believe it will be - to defeat this awful government, which is further impoverishing the poorest in our society."

02:34 PM

VIDEO: Jeremy Corbyn defends his record amid anti-Semitism findings

This video shows Mr Corbyn reacting to the anti-Semitism report and explaining his rationale for arguing the issue was "exaggerated" by political opponents and the media.

The clip was recorded before Mr Corbyn was suspended - in the time frame between the report's release and the removal of the whip this afternoon. 

This story is moving very quickly.

02:31 PM

Labour members react to Corbyn suspension

Furious Labour members have reacted to the news of his suspension online by posting photographs of their membership cards cut up.

Of the 30 top trending topics on Twitter right now, 14 are about Jeremy Corbyn.

#StarmerOut and #WeAreJeremyCorbyn are both trending.

02:16 PM

John McDonnell: Ditching Corbyn is 'profoundly wrong'

This just in from Mr Corbyn's former shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell.

The reaction of Corbyn-supporting MPs to this decision is crucial. If there is appetite for a civil war in the party, it is likely MPs will start resigning the whip.

01:56 PM

Jeremy Corbyn: My suspension is a political intervention

Jeremy Corbyn has said he will "strongly contest" what he described as a "political intervention" to oust him from Labour.

The former leader said he believed "those who deny there has been an antisemitism problem in the Labour Party are wrong".

Mr Corbyn is making clear he is not leaving the party without a fight, Sir Keir will hope he can maintain control of his members.

 But Labour sources are clear that the suspension was not made by Sir Keir Starmer - it was done independently of the Leader of the Opposition's Office.

The debate is now over whether this was an independent decision or a factional one.

01:50 PM

Corbyn's comments were 'shameless' - President of the Board of Deputies

Marie van der Zyl Board of Deputies of British Jews president welcomed Jeremy Corbyn's suspension from the Labour party. She said: "We welcome the decision of the Labour Party to suspend Jeremy Corbyn.

"Having presided over the descent of a proudly anti-racist party into a party that broke equalities law in its treatment of Jews, his shameless comments today showed that he remains part of the problem and is an obstruction to the resolution of the issue."

01:44 PM

Emergency shadow cabinet meeting at 4pm

Rachel Wearmouth, a journalist at HuffPo, has said there is an emergency shadow cabinet meeting at 4pm today.

For Sir Keir Starmer, keeping control over his top team in the next 24 hours will be crucial.

01:40 PM

Luciana Berger: I have no words for Corbyn's response

Luciana Berger left the Labour Party over anti-Semitism allegations - Bloomberg/ Jason Alden 

Luciana Berger, a former Labour MP who left the party over anti-Semitism, has responded to Mr Corbyn's suspension.

"The response from Jeremy Corbyn today should have shown contrition, should have acknowledged the pain and the hurt and the scars that so many former Jewish Labour Party members, current Jewish Labour Party members, the British Jewish community and its allies feel today.

"In the wake of that response, for which I have no words, I think it was the right decision that the whip has been suspended today." 

Gavin Shuker, who left the party at the same time to join Change UK, added:

01:34 PM

Angela Rayner: Jeremy Corbyn is a decent man

Angela Rayner and Jeremy Corbyn at Labour conference in 2017 - NEIL HALL/EPA

Angela Rayner, a former Corbyn ally and Labour deputy leader, said: “I’m devastated it’s come to this...We can’t mitigate away the fact we are in this difficult position.”

“I didn’t have access to the complaints that were going on at the time. We raised concerns. We knew there were complaints.

"Jeremy is a fully decent man."

01:30 PM

New Labour alumni celebrate Corbyn suspension

Peter Mandelson, the former Labour spin doctor, said Mr Corbyn left himself "without a leg to stand on".

"Keir runs the party as he did the Crown Prosecution Service, based totally on the evidence and without fear or favour," he said. 

"Corbyn left himself and his supporters without a leg to stand on in his response to the EHRC.

"Keir went out of his way to avoid being factional in his own statement but Corbyn just could not help himself."

Meanwhile Andrew Adonis, a former minister under Tony Blair, wrote the following:

01:26 PM

Harriet Harman: This is the right thing to do

Harriet Harman, former interim Labour leader and mother if the House of Commons, said Mr Corbyn's suspension was the "right thing to do".

01:15 PM

That Corbyn quote in full

This is the quote from Jeremy Corbyn that Sir Keir Starmer asked him to retract, suggesting complaints of anti-Semitism had been exaggerated.

Mr Corbyn refused and he has been suspended and had the whip removed.

“One antisemite is one too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media. That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated.

01:11 PM

BREAKING: Jeremy Corbyn suspended from the Labour Party

 Labour has suspended Jeremy Corbyn over his reaction to the Equality and Human Rights Commission's report into anti-Semitism in the party during his leadership.

A Labour Party spokesman said: "In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation.

"He has also had the whip removed from the Parliamentary Labour Party."

Mr Corbyn had been criticised for saying complaints about anti-Semitism had been "dramatically overstated for political reasons".

01:00 PM

Sadiq Khan: I will work to end 'appalling' chapter

Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, said the EHRC marks "a dark day" for the party.

"It's utterly shameful that, rather than being an ally and defending the Jewish community, the Labour Party not only failed to address anti-Semitism within the party, but oversaw unlawful acts of harassment and discrimination," he said in a statement posted to Twitter.

"I welcome Keir Starmer's swift and strong response to the EHRC report, as well as the action he's already taken as leader to root out anti-Semitism.

"I will do everything I can to work with the new leadership of the Labour Party to stamp out anti-Semitism and to bring an end to this appalling chapter in Labour's history."

12:49 PM

'We will make Labour a safe place for Jews again'

Labour MP Janet Daby, the shadow minister for faiths, women and equalities, tweeted: "Keir's speech on the EHRC report this morning marked a turning point for our Party.

"When he says he will have a 'zero tolerance' policy to antisemitism, he means it. I'll do all I can as Shadow Minister for Faiths to help make Labour a safe home for Jews again."

12:29 PM

Lucina Berger: Report's findings are 'damning'

Luciana Berger, a former Labour MP, said the findings of the Equality and Human Rights Commission report into anti-Semitism in the party were "damning".

Speaking on BBC Radio Five Live on Thursday, the Jewish ex-MP who left the party last year over the issue, said the report had left her feeling "very emotional".

She said: "The findings of the report today are damning, I don't think they could have been any worse than what we've heard and seen today.

"For the Labour Party found to be guilty of both harassment and discrimination of Jewish party members gives me absolutely no pleasure."

She added: "It's a very emotional day. This comes after an incredible and very, very challenging journey. A very, very, very tumultuous time.

"I had to take the decision ultimately to leave the Labour Party 18 months ago, a decision I never anticipated I would ever have to make, and at that moment people accused me and others of making it up, of it being a fabrication, and as we've seen in the report today, very, very clearly, it wasn't."

12:26 PM

Dominic Raab: UK 'in solidarity' with France after decapitation in Nice

Responding to an attack in Nice, Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secretary, said: "The UK stands with France today in sorrow, shock and solidarity at the horrifying events in Nice. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families and we offer every support to the French people in pursuing those responsible for this appalling attack.”

Read our full report on the attack here.

12:21 PM

Members who claim anti-Semitism is exaggerated should be ejected, says JLM

A spokesman for the Jewish Labour Movement, which is taking legal action against the Labour Party for abuse of its members, said anyone who thought anti-Semitism allegations were an "exaggerated or a factional attack" should be ejected.

Dame Margaret Hodge, a Jewish Labour MP, said Mr Corbyn was "in permanent denial about the extent of the problem that emerged during his leadership".

Mike Katz and Dame Margaret Hodge, Parliamentary Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement - Ian Vogler/Daily Mirror/PA

"It happened on his watch, he shaped the Labour Party that allowed anti-Semitism from the fringes to the mainstream," she said.

"He is yesterday's man. What we now have to do is ensure [Sir Keir Starmer's] actions match up to his words."

11:56 AM

Jewish Labour Movement lawyers: findings are 'unprecedented'

Mishcon de Reya, the legal practice that represents the Jewish Labour Movement, has released a statement on the EHRC's findings.

Katy Colton, Head of the Politics and Law Group, said: "The EHRC has concluded that the Labour Party was not a safe space for Jewish people or those who stand up against anti-Semitism.  This is a stark and unprecedented decision against a major political party. It is also a clear and welcome signal that racism, in any form, will not be tolerated within politics."

11:53 AM

Tories attack Starmer for not expelling Corbyn

Conservative co-chairman Amanda Milling tweeted: "I've just watched Keir Starmer's press conference and it's frankly shocking that he failed repeatedly to state he would act to expel Jeremy Corbyn. "Sir Starmer says he'll be judged by his action, not by his words - now is the time to prove that.

"Starmer is deflecting because he doesn't want to upset the left.

"If Starmer won't take action because he's scared of how the party will react then he isn't doing anything to right the wrongs.

"Labour may have a different face but it's still Corbyn's Labour Party."

11:33 AM

Sir Keir: I hope Jewish MPs 'take comfort' from reforms

Sir Keir said the door remained open for the likes of Jewish former MP Luciana Berger to return to the party if they wanted to.

He said: "I hope she and others will take comfort from the steps we've taken over the last six months, and the steps we will take as a result of this report.

"But I am under no illusion - I will be judged by what I do, and not what I say.

"And so, the test for me is not just the structural changes, it's when the Labour Party is a place that those who have left feel they can safely return to."

11:30 AM

Report does not address Corbyn specifically, says Starmer

Mr Starmer leaving his home in North London on Thursday morning -  Getty Images Europe /LEON NEAL

Asked whether Jeremy Corbyn had been fit to be leader of the Labour Party, Sir Keir said: "The report doesn't make individual findings about Jeremy Corbyn." But he acknowledged it made "strong findings about leadership", adding: "We all have to accept the findings in this report, we all have to accept responsibility.

"We all have to understand the hurt and pain caused by this."

Sir Keir said he would look at Mr Corbyn's response to the report later, but added: "Those that deny there's a problem are part of the problem."

Mr Corbyn said he did not accept all of the EHRC's findings and added that the scale of the anti-Semitism problem in Labour was "dramatically overstated" for political reasons.

Sir Keir said: "Under my leadership we will have zero tolerance of anti-Semitism."

11:17 AM

Anti-Semitism deniers are part of the problem, says Starmer

Sir Keir appeared to address Jeremy Corbyn's response to the report, criticising those who claimed the complaints had been exaggerated.

"If there are still those who think there is no problem with anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, that it's all exaggerated, and it's a factional attack then frankly, you are part of the problem too and you should be nowhere near the Labour Party either," he said.

Sir Keir called the response a "line in the sand" and said the party would act "decisively" under his leadership.

11:14 AM

Labour accepts all findings and recommendations - Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer - PA

Sir Keir Starmer says he is "truly sorry for all the pain and grief that has been caused". 

He apologised to Jewish people who had been driven out of the party and Parliament.

"I know how hard these last few years have been, how painful today will be, and how hard you have to fight to hear your voices heard.

"I hear you, and I can promise you this: I will act. Never again will Labour let you down. Never again will we fail to tackle anti-Semitism and never again will we lose your trust.

"We will implement all recommendations, and we will implement them in full," he said.

Sir Keir said he had already asked his staff to implement the changes, and will have an independent complaints process running by the New Year.

The party is already addressing the backlog of anti-Semitism cases, he said.

11:10 AM

Starmer: Report's publication is a 'day of shame' for Labour

Sir Keir Starmer says the report is a "day of shame" for the Labour Party.

He begins his reponse by thanking the EHRC for a "comprehensive, rigorous and thoroughly professional report" into his party.

The reports conclusions are "clear and stark" and "leave no room for equivocation," he said.

He summarises the report's findings and says it is "most telling of all" that there is a "breakdown of trust" between Labour, its members and the Jewish community.

11:06 AM

Corbyn's office interfered in complaint over anti-Semitic mural

The EHRC found that Jeremy Corbyn's office "directly interfered" in a complaint against his support for an anti-Semitic mural, Amy Jones reports. 

The complaint came after it was revealed that Mr Corbyn had offered support on Facebook in 2012 to artist whose work featured anti-Semitic tropes.

In an email, staff from the then-Labour leader's office said the complaint should be dismissed because it "seems to fall well below the threshold required for investigation and if so surely the decision to dismiss it can be taken now".

The report said the former Labour leader's staff "amended and approved" the written response to the complainant from the party's Governance and Legal Unit to include details on Mr Corbyn’s actions in relation to the mural. His staff "therefore directly interfered in the decision not to investigate in this case", the report stated.

11:02 AM

Labour did not investigate members who 'liked' anti-Semitic content

The report found evidence that, from at least June 2017 to mid-2018, the Labour Party operated a policy of "not investigating complaints about party members' social media activity if they only liked or shared content without commenting on it". It said Labour sought to justify this at the time by stating that sharing posts did not necessarily reflect the views of the person who shared them.

The report identified a Labour Party member who was suspended for a range of anti-Semitic tweets of other people's content, but was later reinstated despite other social media activity revealing shares of Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

Another member was not investigated by the party, despite sharing Holocaust denial content.

The report found Labour's complaints unit did not investigate concerns over likes, retweets and shares "even when it was appropriate to do so, which meant that potentially anti-Semitic conduct went unchallenged".

Labour said its policy on social media posts had since changed, something the EHRC described as "positive".

The report said Labour is "now actively investigating complaints, including complaints against 30 members who shared or liked social media content that appeared to be anti-Semitic".

10:59 AM

'Appalling day for the Labour Party', says Jewish MP

This tweet is from the Jewish Labour MP Dame Margaret Hodge:

10:53 AM

Sir Keir Starmer to respond to EHRC report

Sir Keir Starmer will respond to the findings of the EHRC in a press conference at 11am.

The conference will be streamed live at the top of this blog.

10:51 AM

Labour withheld evidence on anti-Semitism from EHRC investigation

In its findings, the EHRC addresses the leaked internal Labour Party report which concluded Jeremy Corbyn’s attempts to tackle antisemitism were hampered by factional hostility.

The EHRC said that it was “not informed” that the report, commissioned by the party's then-General Secretary Jennie Formby, was being prepared. It states: “The Labour Party did not submit the leaked report to us, and it contains evidence and information that the Party has not provided to us. "This includes personal communications relating to antisemitism complaint handling, which the Party did not provide at the time we requested them.”

10:48 AM

Jeremy Corbyn statement in full

Mr Corbyn said the scale of the problem was 'dramatically overstated' - Hollie Adams/PA

This is the full statement from Jeremy Corbyn, published this morning on his Facebook page.

“Antisemitism is absolutely abhorrent, wrong and responsible for some of humanity’s greatest crimes. As Leader of the Labour Party I was always determined to eliminate all forms of racism and root out the cancer of antisemitism. I have campaigned in support of Jewish people and communities my entire life and I will continue to do so.“The EHRC’s report shows that when I became Labour leader in 2015, the Party’s processes for handling complaints were not fit for purpose. Reform was then stalled by an obstructive party bureaucracy. But from 2018, Jennie Formby and a new NEC that supported my leadership made substantial improvements, making it much easier and swifter to remove antisemites. My team acted to speed up, not hinder the process.“Anyone claiming there is no antisemitism in the Labour Party is wrong. Of course there is, as there is throughout society, and sometimes it is voiced by people who think of themselves as on the left.“Jewish members of our party and the wider community were right to expect us to deal with it, and I regret that it took longer to deliver that change than it should.“One antisemite is one too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media. That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated.“My sincere hope is that relations with Jewish communities can be rebuilt and those fears overcome. While I do not accept all of its findings, I trust its recommendations will be swiftly implemented to help move on from this period.”

10:43 AM

Jeremy Corbyn: Anti-Semitism concerns were 'dramatically overstated for political reasons'

Jeremy Corbyn has responded to the contents of the report.

The former Labour leader said Jewish Labour members were right to expect the party to deal with anti-Semitism "and I regret that it took longer to deliver that change than it should", but added "the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party".

10:41 AM

Ultimate blame falls on Corbyn, says report author

Mr Corbyn leaving his home this morning -  Getty Images Europe/LEON NEAL

Ultimate responsibility for the anti-Semitism failings lays with then-leader Jeremy Corbyn, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said. EHRC lead investigator Alasdair Henderson told a press conference: "Blame for the anti-Semitism in the Labour Party can't be placed on one person, we looked at the party as a whole.

"And it went beyond the role of Jeremy Corbyn.

"That said, the failure of leadership, although it extended across the party through the period of example that we looked at, was of course during the time when Jeremy Corbyn was leader.

"And as leader of the party, and with evidence of political interference from within his office, he does have a responsibility ultimately for those failings.

"There were some improvements made but they weren't nearly enough during the time he was there.

"Any further legal action in respect to Mr Corbyn himself is not a matter for us."

10:34 AM

'Significant number' of complaints never investigated

Amy Jones has been reading through the report in more detail.

A “significant number of complaints” around anti-Semitism were not investigated at all, the report claimed, particularly for those with their roots in social media activity.

The report found that social media was the source of the most complaints, with 59 of the 70 cases investigated by the EHRC concerning social media.

However, the ECHR notes that the Labour Party had adopted a policy of not investigating complaints in cases regarding likes or shares of anti-Semitic content on social media.

It argues that this policy was “at clear odds” with the Labour Party’s commitment to zero tolerance of anti-Semitism and meant repeated sharing of such material could have escaped investigation.

However, the report notes the party has now acknowledged that the policy was wrong and has not applied it since mid-2018.

10:33 AM

Lord Mann: This is the moment of greatest shame for Labour

Lord Mann, a former Labour MP and Government advisor on anti-Semitism, said the report marked "the moment of greatest shame" for the party.

"And to think how many said it was all made up and exaggerated," he wrote. 

"Which amongst them will stand up and say that I am truly sorry?"

10:18 AM

Ken Livingstone responsible for unlawful harassment, investigation finds

Mr Livingstone, pictured outside his Labour Party disciplinary hearing - Eddie Mulholland

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission report into anti-Semitism in the Labour Party names two individuals as being responsible for unlawful harassment.

Both Ken Livingstone and Pam Bromley, a Labour Party local authority councillor in Rossendale, used "anti-Semitic tropes and suggested that complaints of anti-Semitism were fake or smears," the report says.

But it also warns the two cases are "only the tip of the iceberg" because a further eighteen "borderline" cases were found where there was not enough evidence to conclude that the Labour Party was legally responsible for the conduct of the individual.

10:12 AM

Labour failed to train its staff to handle anti-Semitism complaints

The EHRC's report said "those making complaints were poorly served by the party", and those responding to complaints treated "unfairly".

The report finds that the complaints inbox was largely left unmonitored for a number of years and no action taken on the majority of complaints forwarded to it.

Sixty-two of the 70 files the EHRC reviewed had records missing.

The Commission said the "failure to provide adequate training to those handling anti-Semitism complaints contributes to a lack of trust and confidence in the complaint handling system".

"We find that this failure indirectly discriminated against Jewish Labour Party members up until August 2020," the report says. 

10:10 AM

Jeremy Corbyn's office 'interfered in complaints process'

The EHRC report found evidence of political interference in the complaints process, with 23 instances of inappropriate involvement by the Leader of the Opposition’s Office (LOTO).

The report said LOTO staff influenced decisions on complaints, especially decisions on suspensions or to investigate a claim.

Some decisions were made because of likely press interest rather than any formal criteria, the report says.

The EHRC said political interference "occurred more regularly in anti-Semitism cases", which it found to be indirectly discriminatory and unlawful.

The commission recommended "a transparent and independent anti-Semitism complaints process, where all cases of alleged discrimination, harassment or victimisation are investigated promptly, rigorously and without interference is an essential part of the reforms needed to rebuild trust".

10:05 AM

BREAKING: Labour broke equality law over anti-Semitism, report finds

An investigation into anti-Semitism in Labour by the Equality and Human Rights Commission has found the party committed unlawful acts of harassment and discrimination.

The report, commissioned in May 2019, found that the party broke the law up until August 2020 by failing to act on:

  • Political interference in the complaints process
  • Training for party staff and members on anti-Semitism
  • Harassment

The report names Ken Livingstone, a former Mayor of London, as being responsible for unlawful harassment.

09:47 AM

This morning's papers

 This morning's Telegraph front page leads with the news that France is being placed into a national-level lockdown. 

Elsewhere we report BBC plans to force stars to declare their online earnings, and a new Telegraph analysis that shows the CEO of Revolut has been named the first UK startup billionaire.

Telegraph front page

 The Times splashes on the news that the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine could be available by Christmas. The UK has already put in an order for 20 million doses. The Daily Mail reports business leaders and MPs calling on Boris Johnson to resist a national level lockdown. From Robert Jenrick's media round this morning (see 08.16), it seems that is likely.

Times and Mail

In tabloid land, the Sun reports that Tory MPs are calling on police not to enforce coronavirus restrictions at Christmas.

The Daily Mirror says the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have paid tribute to Kate Garraway over her family’s Covid nightmare.

Sun and Mirror

09:21 AM

Striking miners receive pardon after more than 30 years

Miners who were convicted in Scotland during the year-long strike in the 1980s will receive a formal pardon, the SNP's Justice Secretary has announced.

Humza Yousaf unveiled plans for legislation to provide a "collective pardon" after a review found it was unlikely many of the miners would face prosecution for their actions today.

In a statement to the Scottish Parliament, he said the pardon was intended to acknowledge "the disproportionate impacts arising from miners being prosecuted and convicted during the strike - such as the loss of their job".

He also accepted a recommendation that it be granted on the same basis as the Armed Forces Act 2006, which he said "recognised the exceptional circumstances under which World War One soldiers were convicted of offences such as cowardice."

Simon Johnson reports.

09:03 AM

Labour calls for press conference on latest Covid data

Labour called for Boris Johnson to hold a press conference to address the findings of the Imperial College study, which indicated England's coronavirus cases were doubling every nine days.

Jonathan Ashworth, shadow health secretary said: "This study reveals just how serious the situation we are now in is. The virus is growing nationwide.

"This will inevitably lead to more loss of life, more serious harm, immense pressure on the NHS and a slow, damaging drag on the economy.

"Boris Johnson must hold a press conference later today to update the nation and outline what steps he will now take to get control of the virus and save lives."

08:52 AM

Nigel Farage delivers surprise speech at Donald Trump rally in Arizona

Mr Farage speaking at a Donald Trump rally in Arizona yesterday - AFP/ BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI

Nigel Farage, the Brexit Party leader, has delivered a surprise speech at a Donald Trump rally where he called the US president the “most resilient and bravest person I have ever met in my life”, Ben Riley-Smith reports.

Standing next to Mr Trump in the blazing sun at Goodyear, Arizona, Mr Farage said that a vote for the president this election would be a vote for “decency”, “plain speaking” and a cut in taxes.  

The thousands of Trump supporters present responded with cheers and Mr Trump thanked Mr Farage for his speech afterwards, saying he was "glad" he called on the British politician. 

However critics will question Mr Farage’s decision to intervene so explicitly in the US election, less than a week away, given the convention of foreign politicians not getting involved in campaigns.

The three-minute address follows a similar speech Mr Farage, the former UK Independence Party leader, gave during Mr Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

08:35 AM

Boris Johnson's handling of Rashford campaign a 'disaster', says Barwell

Boris Johnson's handling of the campaign to give students free school meals over the holidays was branded a "disaster" by a former Downing Street operator under Theresa May.

The Manchester United star's mission to ensure no child goes hungry has gripped the nation and caused a major headache for the Government who have opposed funding his campaign.

Tory peer Lord Barwell, who served as Theresa May's chief of staff, said Downing Street should have had the foresight to work out the row would escalate again after it was defused in the summer.

Asked about the situation, Lord Barwell told ITV's Peston: "Do I understand intellectually the policy argument that there might be a better way of dealing with the issue of children that are going hungry?

"Yes, I can understand that.

"But, politically... do I understand how the Government has got itself into this situation? No.

"They got caught once with this over the summer holidays, it was obvious it was going to happen again.

"Now, to me, what's most important at the moment is to try and avoid the usual, sort of, party political squabbling, we are in the middle of a national crisis and I think that the Government has allowed this issue - it's done it great damage, it's a communications disaster."

08:16 AM

National lockdown would create 'stop-start country', says Jenrick

A circuit-breaker lockdown would create a "stop-start country" and cause "immense" harm to mental health, the Housing Secretary has warned.

Robert Jenrick told Sky News the Government is "considering the options regularly" but had a "very firm view" that there should not be a national-level lockdown.

"If it succeeded, it is likely it will need to be repeated regularly," he said. 

"You can't have a stop-start country where businesses are closing, people are losing their jobs, then they're having to restart again.

"The harm to people's mental health and broader wellbeing would be immense, so we're not in favour of that approach."

Swathes of the south of England are expected to be placed into Tier 2 restrictions within days, as Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise and experts predict deaths could reach 85,000.

Parts of Nottinghamshire have already been placed into Tier 3, while Leeds and West Yorkshire are facing new restrictions next, the Housing Secretary said on Thursday morning.

08:09 AM

Good morning

Robert Jenrick said a national circuit breaker would be harmful for the country's mental health - Yui Mok/PA

Despite the ongoing Parliamentary recess, it's expected to be a busy day in politics today.

  • At 10am, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission will publish its report into alleged anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. It will be followed by press conferences from Sir Keir Starmer and the Jewish Labour Movement, and a statement from former leader Jeremy Corbyn.
  • Robert Jenrick has ruled out a national circuit-breaker lockdown that would create a "stop-start country" and cause "immense" harm to mental health. He said the Government is "considering the options regularly" but had a "very firm view" that a lockdown would be premature. Expect that debate to rumble on.
  • Leeds and West Yorkshire are next in line for Tier 3 lockdown rules, as Nottingham joins cities in the highest tier today. Meanwhile, Brighton and Hove is headed for Tier 2, along with other parts of the South East and South West.
  • The UK's Brexit negotiating team is today arriving in Brussels for the continuation of talks, which will resume tomorrow. Whitehall sources said there has been some progress on key issues this week.