Polk County will pay for rape victims' emergency contraception amid state pause

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Victims of sexual assault and rape will get free emergency contraceptive care in Polk County in the wake of a recent state decision to pause providing the service.

The Polk County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted unanimously to provide free services to victims of those crimes, which includes emergency contraception like Plan B and in rare cases, abortion, that had previously been paid for by the state. The move comes a few weeks after Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird said she is still reviewing whether to permanently halt the longstanding practice of providing the free services to victims.

Bird, a Republican, paused those payments when she took office in January after ousting former Attorney Tom Miller, a Democrat. She has previously said the pause in payments is part of a larger review of the state's victim services programs.

Emergency contraceptives like Plan B are available for free to Polk County residents who are victims of sexual assault and rape, despite a state pause on providing that care.
Emergency contraceptives like Plan B are available for free to Polk County residents who are victims of sexual assault and rape, despite a state pause on providing that care.

Supervisors Tom Hockensmith and Angela Connolly said in a statement they were disappointed with Bird's decision.

Under Miller, who held office for 40 years, the cost of emergency contraception for sexual assault victims was covered as part of the state's Sexual Assault Examination Payment Program. Miller made it a policy to compensate health care providers for the cost of dispensing morning-after pills for victims who requested medication to prevent a pregnancy. In rare cases, the fund also covered the cost for victims' abortions.

Polk County's resolution will not create new services. Rather, it will direct Polk County Crisis & Advocacy Services to pay for services that were historically paid for by the Attorney General's Office if the current pause becomes permanent.

More: Iowa AG says pause on paying for rape victims' emergency contraception still under review

Polk County already deploys sexual assault advocates and specially trained nurses to hospitals 24/7 to support and care for victims in the immediate aftermath of a sexual assault.

Last year, the county served 270 women who were victims of sexual assault and rape, and 105 of them received free emergency contraception. Last year's budget was $3,000, according to the board.

"But to those women, we hope that they felt supported and cared for in a comprehensive and complete manner that allowed them to begin the process of rebuilding their lives after one of the most traumatic events that a woman can experience," Hockensmith and Connolly said in a joint statement.

They said the state's pause on its program puts partisan politics before women. In an interview, Connolly said the county is happy to help victims even if the state dismantles resources.

"A woman going through something very traumatic after an assault or a rape, and funding for emergency contraception or any other health care services is vital to the victim no matter if they're young girls or older women and we ought to support them in any way that we can after a tremendous event," she said.

Emergency contraception will be available immediately. Jonathan Cahill, communications specialist with the Polk County Board of Supervisors, said anyone who is assaulted and seeks medical care in the county will receive the same response, regardless of where they live. There is no set place to receive treatment.

Bird did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Meanwhile, the Family Planning Council of Iowa, a Des Moines-based nonprofit that works to provide quality reproductive health care, also launched free reproductive health kits that can be mailed to anyone with an Iowa address. These kits include two doses of emergency contraception, condoms, lube and an information guide.

More information on the kits can be found here: https://fpcouncil.org/request-a-repro-kit/

Noelle Alviz-Gransee is a breaking news reporter at the Des Moines Register. Follow her on Twitter @NoelleHannika or email her at NAlvizGransee@registermedia.com.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Rape victims in Polk County will get free emergency contraception