97% of Ukrainians trust the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 85% trust Zelenskyy ‒ survey

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According to a poll, 97% of Ukrainians trust the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 85% trust the country’s leadership.

Source: Results of a survey by the National Democratic Institute, published on the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology website

Quote from sociologists: "Of respondents, 97% said they trusted or completely trusted the Armed Forces of Ukraine, while 85% trusted President Volodymyr Zelenskyy."

Details: The government and the Verkhovna Rada also enjoy high rates of trust, at 56% and 40%, respectively.

It is noted that the level of trust is also reflected in a positive assessment of their activities.

The nationwide survey was developed and conducted by the National Democratic Institute in Ukraine. Field work was carried out by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology between 2 and 11 May, conducting telephone interviews with 2,500 people who live in Ukraine and use a mobile phone. Territories that were not under the control of the government of Ukraine until 24 February were excluded from the study.

The margin of error does not exceed +/- 3%.

The survey was carried out thanks to the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of Great Britain; and Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs.