Pope Francis celebrates Holy Thursday Mass, washes juveniles’ feet days after leaving hospital

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Pope Francis continued his busy Holy Week after being released from the hospital, leading a Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica on Thursday before washing the feet of a dozen juveniles.

Rows of priests and other members of the Catholic church attended the morning Mass in Vatican City and listened as Pope Francis delivered a lengthy homily, during which he referenced clergymen dealing with “crisis.”

“Sooner or later, we all experience disappointment, frustration and our own weaknesses,″ Francis said. “Our ideals seem to recede in the face of reality, a certain force of habit takes over, and the difficulties that once seemed unimaginable appear to challenge our fidelity.”

The 86-year-old pontiff later washed the feet of 10 boys and two girls at the Casal del Marmo juvenile prison near Rome in a nod to Jesus washing his 12 apostles’ feet at the last supper.

The appearances were the latest by the pope since he ended his three-day hospitalization for a bout with bronchitis last Saturday.

Francis went Rome’s Gemelli Polyclinic on March 29 after experiencing breathing issues. Upon his release from the medical center, Francis flashed a thumbs-up sign and joked to reporters he was “still alive, you know.”

The pope made his first post-hospital appearance a day later on Palm Sunday, leading a Mass at St. Peter’s Square in front of a crowd of about 60,000 people. Francis gave a 15-minute homily during that service and, despite his voice becoming hoarse, remained in the square afterward to greet the public.

“I thank you for your participation and prayers, that in the last days you intensified. Thanks!” Pope Francis said during that Mass, referencing his own recovery.

His voice sounded strong during Thursday’s initial Mass. He’s next scheduled to celebrate a Mass on Thursday at a Rome juvenile prison, where he will also hold a foot-washing ritual.

Francis is set as well to lead a Way of the Cross procession on Good Friday and Mass in St. Peter’s Square on Easter Sunday, the Vatican says.

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