Pope Francis represents ‘a refreshing breeze’ in Roman Catholic Church | Opinion

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Appreciating Pope Francis

Pope Francis is a refreshing breeze blowing through the halls of the Roman Catholic Church. I was inspired to read that the pope has adopted rules to allow priests to give a blessing to same-sex couples. Just a simple, casual blessing.

Though the pope’s message is directed to priests, seemingly not contingent on the approval of local bishops, some bishops are barring the door. Can’t embrace those “intrinsically disordered” gay or LGBTQ+ people with a simple blessing because the church might collapse.

Nonsense. The central message Jesus preached was to love your neighbor as yourself. Have people forgotten that Jesus was always embracing “others”?

U.S. Archbishop Raymond Burke, a high-profile critic of Pope Francis, said in October that “the sheep depend on the courage of pastors who must protect them from the poison of confusion, error and division.”

Burke and his allies, however, fail to understand that people are not sheep. Regardless of faith, people use their critical-thinking skills, religious background, education and experiences to navigate life. They have a right to make decisions based on conscience.

It is important to challenge the rigid ideologies of some conservative clerics and to embrace the compassionate gesture by Pope Francis.

Michael P. Redden, Clovis

Why Trump hats?

So I unfold my Jan. 1, 2024 Fresno Bee and think I have a Trump campaign publication in my hands. There on the front of The Bee is a large picture of Trump MAGA hats as if to remind the readers that Trump is The Bee’s man.

Will we see picture of Biden’s campaign material soon? I’ll wait.

Don Hughes, Los Banos

Gun laws miss the mark

I am a gun owner and a CCW permit holder, I thoroughly believe in gun safety and being trained. I also agree with reasonable and proper gun laws.

In the state of California, we have passed some of the most ridiculous gun laws in existence. Some of those laws have been deemed unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. We also have a system of checks and balances to question those laws and their constitutionality.

After a law has been overturned by a federal court, the state has the right to appeal that, but after the third appeal has been reversed, when do we stop? Our attorney general seems to think that the more he appeals a ruling, he will then get a different answer. Sort of like a child testing their parent over and over. When will it stop? But we’d rather make law-abiding citizens criminals.

Why not go after the real problem — criminals with guns and people with mental health issues. Don’t blame the guns, blame the user.

You are not going to solve any problems by putting your head in the sand and making your law-abiding citizens criminals . Again fix the real issue and fix it now.

Duane Opie, Clovis

Fong is a fraud

Vincent Karchi Fong, another Abernathy/McCarthy minion, can hold two public offices at the same time in blatant violation of state law, per the last minute ruling by corrupt Sacramento Superior Court Judge Shelleyanne Wai Ling Chang.

This judge has been overturned on appeal many times.


Fong used a case from 1851 saying he can hold two offices at the same time. Of course, the state laws have been changed since then to prevent such a ridiculous situation.

Fong is a selfish fraud and is wasting taxpayer funds.

Ken Mettler, Bakersfield

Working together to help students

Our nation can only be strong if our future citizens can read, write and do math. Students need the tools and teachers should have the freedom to address individual differences in order to each these goals.

As a retired school administrator and former school board member, I saw that success in districts where students, teachers and parents worked together.

Richard Asadoorian, Visalia

America must help Ukraine

Christmas and New Year’s holidays were celebrated differently in Ukraine and the rest of the world this year. While people in most countries enjoyed the warmth of their homes and time with their families, Ukrainian people suffered under the barrage of air attacks.

Based on the information published by the Ukrainian air defense forces, the Kremlin launched 226 missiles and 262 drones between Dec. 24 and Jan. 2. Dozens of dead, and hundreds of injured innocent civilians, ruined houses, schools, hospitals. Wave after wave of devastating attacks on Ukraine.

Ukraine urgently needs assistance, and U.S. support is crucial. The longer the assistance is postponed, the more Ukrainians will be killed by the Rashist terrorist regime. Putin is a war criminal. The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for his arrest for committing genocide against the Ukrainians.

Please call or email your elected officials asking them to support and vote for aid to Ukraine. It is vital for Ukraine and for the U.S. security.

Victoria A. Malko, Fresno

The Trump 24 virus

America has fallen ill with a virus. It is called the Trump 24 virus, and it is sweeping the land. The only question is will a cure be found, or will the patient, America, die a painful death.

People are praying an answer is near. Unfortunately, we are running out of time. This is a powerful virus. It has already claimed the lives of its many victims. One of the symptoms of the Trump virus is an inability to stand on your own two feet. Other symptoms include an inability to think for yourself, and its ability to inflame racism as the virus takes over your brain.

It is lethal, and now incurable. There is hope. There are people working diligently to develop a vaccine to end our suffering. The hope is they will eradicate this virus forever.

Let us keep the faith that in the end a new day will dawn, the virus will disappear, and America will be saved once again.

Gary Dashjian, Clovis

The following letter is being republished due to an editing error when it ran last week:

Golden State now tarnished

Gov. Newsom and the California Legislature have much to be proud of as we start 2024:

1. California starts 2024 with a $68 billion dollar budget deficit.

2. Over 815,000 people left the state from 2021 to 2022, the most recent census data show.

3. An all-time high for the number of homeless living on the streets.

4. Robberies under $10,000 value are at an all-time high.

5. Drug and human smuggling across our open boarder is at an all-time high.

Welcome to the Golden State — without the gold.

D. Housepian, Fresno