Pottstown School District Seeking $1M In Emergency Funding

POTTSTOWN, PA — Pottstown School District has joined schools around Pennsylvania in applying for emergency funding to help provide critical resources to the district in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

Pottstown is looking for just over $1 million in funding, according to a list of allocations published by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Schools can use Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding for a wide range of purposes, including food service; professional training; technology purchases; sanitization and cleaning supplies; summer and after-school programs; and mental health supports.

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The state filed their Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund application to the U.S. Department of Education on Monday. It is the federal government that must approve the application and the proposed allocations.

Applications are expected to be approved in about a week and the state department of education is finalizing a streamlined application to ensure that funds are available to schools in an expedited manner.

Officials are looking to prioritze applications from the most underserved districts with students who are experiencing barriers to education access.

A full list of funding allocations is available here.

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This article originally appeared on the Pottstown Patch