
Poughkeepsie runner fought through elements to Rock the Ridge

Although he didn’t start running until much later in life, Poughkeepsie resident David Fernekes has fit right in with the mindset of the sport. He started running 16 years ago, at age 48, when he decided to participate in the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot road races.

Prior to becoming a runner, Fernekes was usually chasing some fitness-related ambition. “I’ve always been goal oriented,’’ he said, “and I like to have something on my calendar to train for.”

Poughkeepsie resident David Fernekes transferred his hiking to running 16 years ago and hasn't looked back.
Poughkeepsie resident David Fernekes transferred his hiking to running 16 years ago and hasn't looked back.

Fernekes was a member of the Catskills 3500 Club, earning both the winter and overall patches for hiking all of the high peaks (more than 3,500 feet) in the Catskill Mountains. After signing up for that long-ago Turkey Trot, he found a fresh outlet for his goal-oriented mindset when he joined the Mid-Hudson Road Runners Club. “I made some great friends there and the social aspects kept me coming back for more,’’ the 64-year-old said.

More, indeed!

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In the relatively short timeframe since he took up running, Fernekes has compiled quite the personal highlight reel of running-related accomplishments: 10 road marathons, numerous triathlons (including the grueling Survival of the Shawangunks three times), the Escarpment Trail Run (four times), Pikes Peak ascent, Mount Washington Road Race and the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim-to-rim.

Fernekes can now add the 50-mile Rock the Ridge ultramarathon to his long list of long-distance accomplishments. He called it his 64th birthday present to himself, as the race was a few weeks after his birthday.

Like other ultra runners featured in recent columns, Fernekes leaned into the social aspect of the training, specifically citing Karen Miura’s influence. “She’s a big reason why I decided to sign up this year,’’ he said. “I tend to train just enough to be able to gut out the long endurance races, but Karen had a plan. So, I rode on her coattails for the long runs.”

The proximity of the Mohonk Preserve course in the Shawangunk Ridge was enticing. “This event has been on my radar for many years,’’ he said. “I’ve raced quite a few marathons, but hadn’t really considered trying anything further.”

Once he knew he had friends with whom to train — including Michelle Azukas, who trained for the Boston Marathon throughout the winter — he had a reason to give himself that birthday present by registering for Rock the Ridge.

Fernekes’ training went well. He did long runs at Mohonk and also added the hilly Millbrook Marathon in April as a training run. While he felt prepared for the 50-mile challenge, as race day approached, the hot and humid forecast was troubling for him.

“My body runs hot, so I prefer cold, damp conditions to the warm and humid conditions in store for us,’’ he said. “It was just one more thing to consider when planning my race strategy — nutrition, hydration, clothing, weather, pace.’’

Fernekes’ goal was to finish in a time faster than 12 hours. Because of the weather forecast, he took a counterintuitive approach to pacing. He decided to take advantage of the cooler morning and run the first half in a much faster pace, on target for a 10-hour finish.

“I still don’t know if that was smart or not,’’ he admitted, “but the run to the halfway point at Spring Farm went well. I spent around 10 minutes recovering there and would have liked to stay longer but unfortunately, the clock doesn’t stop at the aid stations.’’

Fernekes said the second half of the race is the hard part in terms of terrain. And, oh yeah, that’s when it started to get hot and humid.

Tired, hot and uphill most of the way, the third leg of the race — from Spring Farm to Lyons Road — was difficult for Fernekes. Where during the first half of the race he was able to run on all but the steepest sections, now this felt more like a fast hike to him. He said he could feel himself overheating, so any trails not flat or downhill were fair game for walking.

“When I finally made it to Lyons Road (mile 39), I was in bad shape,’’ he said. “Feeling dizzy and weak, I had to find a way to get my core temperature down.’’

Fortunately, he had placed a cooling rag in his drop bag and was able to wet it and put it on his neck while recovering, all the while keeping an eye on the clock.

“The crew there were great, asking what I needed and how they could help,’’ he said. “I sat and cooled down for a while, watching other runners come and go. After about 10 minutes or so, I started the final leg.’’

Fernekes said the fourth and final leg of the journey was mostly flat or downhill. And with enough time banked, he was confident that he’d finish in under 12 hours. “Still,’’ he said, “I’m a racer at heart and wanted the best time I could get, so I tried push as hard as my depleted body would allow.’’

He crossed the line in 11 hours, 23 minutes and 18 seconds — fourth out of 11 in his age group and 61st overall out of nearly 200 finishers. Here’s how Fernekes recalled the final steps on his long journey:

“Coming in to the long tree-lined quarter-mile leading to the Gatehouse, the crowd started to cheer and ring cow bells. There was no choice but to run and try to look good all the way to the finish line. Finally, rest was in sight. I crossed the finish line, took some congratulations and found a quiet place to lay down and regain some composure. Many thanks to my running friends who helped me to be prepared.’’

Mid-Hudson Road Runners Club member Pete Colaizzo, the track coach at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, writes on running every week. He can be reached at For more club information, go to

This article originally appeared on Poughkeepsie Journal: Rock the Ridge: Poughkeepsie's Fernekes fought through elements